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Idaho State University Ranked One of America’s Best Employers

Downhill view of campus along MLK way

Forbes ranked Idaho State University one of “America’s Best Midsize Employers 2017,” a list that annually ranks the top U.S. employers.

Of U.S.-based employers with at least 1,000 employees, ISU was ranked #103 on the list. Only 35 educational institutions made the list, and ISU was ranked 17th overall in the education category.


“This recognition solidifies what many of us already knew about Idaho State,” said ISU President Arthur Vailas. “Our University is a great place to work, and our faculty and staff are our most valuable resource in accomplishing our mission, which focuses on student success.”


The list, compiled by Statista Inc. in partnership with Forbes, includes the best 300 midsized employers across 25 industry sectors. More than 30,000 employees were asked to rate their employers based on 30 work-related attributes, including atmosphere for development, working conditions, diversity, image and compensation.


The most weighted question asked of survey respondents was whether they would recommend their employer to others, on a scale of zero to 10. Respondents were also asked to divulge which other companies they either would or would not recommend.

Participation in the survey was voluntary and anonymous, and respondents were recruited from thousands of sources to maximize reach and representation. According to Forbes, to ensure credibility, respondents were not contacted through their employers, and participants were unaware of the survey’s intent.


“I’m excited to see ISU stand out as one of the best employers of its size in the country. This recognition reflects on all of those in the University community who strive to make ISU an excellent place to work,” said Brian Sagendorf, director of Human Resources.


One other Idaho-based employer, MWI Veterinary Supply (#238), was also included on the Forbes national ranking of midsized employers.


Read the full list of “America’s Best Midsize Employers 2017”



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