Idaho State University students to write book about Pocatello’s iconic Garrett Freightlines
September 2, 2015
POCATELLO – Sixteen Idaho State University students from various disciplines will study the history of Garrett Freightlines this fall in an honors class that will require them to write a book instead of complete a final exam.
Students will research the business practices and personalities that shaped Garrett Freightlines – once a national freight carrier and major Pocatello employer. The class is the brainchild of Assistant Professor of Management Alex Bolinger, whose grandfather, Larry Allsberry, served as company president in the late 1970s before the company was sold to a larger trucking firm and left the Gate City.

Clarence Garrett founded the company in 1913 as a service to pick up freight from the Union Pacific Railroad and deliver it to customers around Pocatello and surrounding areas. The company’s story includes attempted hostile takeover bids, negotiations with Teamsters leader Jimmy Hoffa, and the introduction of several innovations to the trucking industry, including the use of diesel engines, long-haul refrigeration and triple trailers.
Bolinger’s class is in the process of closing a publishing deal with Arcadia Publishing, the nation’s leading publisher of popular and regional United States history. The book will consist of five to nine chapters anchored by historical photos. The College of Business will host a community event in December to celebrate the book’s completion, and the book is scheduled to be available for purchase in May 2016.
This course represents a unique collaboration among the College of Business, College of Arts and Letters, the ISU Honors Program, and the Special Collections archives at Eli Oboler Library. Students will not only analyze the business history of an entrepreneurial success story, but learn the dynamics of working collaboratively in a large group, said Bolinger.
If you are interested in learning more about the project or have stories to share with students about Garrett Freightlines, contact Bolinger at or (208) 282-6242.