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Idaho State University business class helps to make a local child’s Make-A-Wish come true

November 22, 2013
ISU Marketing and Communications

Efforts by an Idaho State University business class to send a Make-A-Wish patient to a Denver Broncos football game were successful. Braydon, the beneficiary of Alex Bolinger’s Organizational Behavior class’s efforts, will get to see the Broncos play the Tennessee Titans on Dec. 8 in Denver.

While in Denver, Braydon will meet Peyton Manning and the rest of the Denver Broncos team. He’ll even get VIP treatment at the football game.

Bolinger’s class raised approximately $4,000 for Braydon’s Make-A-Wish project. The students’ fundraisers included events at Outer Limits Fun Zone, E.P. Athletics and Texas Roadhouse in Pocatello, as well as at Chick-fil-A in Idaho Falls.

The class also organized a volleyball tournament and a talent show featuring ISU students.

Braydon received a liver transplant during the spring 2013 semester while Bolinger’s class was fundraising for his Make-A-Wish project. While Braydon, then 14, was in the hospital in Salt Lake City, the class had the opportunity to Skype with Braydon and his mom. Bolinger said he thinks having something exciting to look forward to has been good for Braydon.

Bolinger’s current Organizational Behavior class is helping another local Make-A-Wish candidate’s dream come true. The class is planning fundraising events to send six-year-old Emory to Disney World in the spring.


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