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Pocatello’s Stacey Jensen honored as 2012 Outstanding Educator by Idaho State University College of Education; banquet set March 16

March 12, 2012
ISU Marketing and Communications

Stacey Jensen has been selected as the Idaho State University College of Education 2012 Outstanding Educator and she will be honored March 16.

Jensen has been an educator for 23 years in District #25's Edahow Elementary School. She completed her Bachelor of Science degree in elementary education in 1988 and her Master of Education degree in curriculum instruction in 1995 from Idaho State University.

Stacey JensenFor the past five years, Jensen has been actively involved in the teacher-driven professional development of Total Instructional Alignment and the implementation of the Common Core State Standards in Idaho school districts.

She has also provided state leadership as a member of the State Board of Education Curriculum Selection Committee and as the chair of several Professional Standards accreditation visits to state universities. In addition, she is one of Idaho’s liaisons for the Educational Testing Services (ETS) to determine cut scores for the Praxis standardized tests of subject matter knowledge that ensure Idaho certified teachers are highly qualified in their teaching fields.

In 2005, Jensen was the School District #25 Teacher of the Year.

She will be honored at the Teacher Appreciation and Outstanding Educator Banquet March 16 at the Clarion Inn in Pocatello. The banquet is sponsored by the ISU College of Education and ISU Kappa Delta Pi. A no-host social begins at 6 p.m. followed by a buffet dinner at 6:30 p.m. The Clarion Inn is located at 1399 Bench Road in Pocatello. To RSVP for the event, contact Cathy McPherson at 208-282-2447 by March 14.





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