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Idaho State University SAB presents Springfest April 16-20 features entertainment, prizes and more

April 10, 2012
ISU Marketing and Communications

Idaho State University's Student Activities Board will host a wide variety of events for Springfest during the week of April 16 through the 20.

This year’s theme is CarnEvil, filled with zombies, carnival-style prizes and more.

The week's major events are:

Monday, April 16 – Start the week with a Zombie Self Defense course at 5 p.m. in the Rendezvous Complex Suites. Participants can come learn some preventive tactics in case of the zombie apocalypse. Are you ready? This event is free to ISU students with a valid Bengal ID, $1 for faculty and staff, and $2 for general public.

Tuesday, April 17 –  SAB and the ISU Ambassadors will host the fourth annual Mr. ISU pageant competition. This event will take place in the Student Union Ballroom at 7 p.m. Free audience giveaways will be handed out, and the first 100 attendees will receive free T-shirts. Admission is free to ISU students with a valid Bengal ID, $3 for faculty and staff, and $5 for general public.

Wednesday, April 18 – SAB will host  the stunt comedian Matt Baker. This funny man will be appearing in the Pond Student Union Ballroom at 7 p.m. This event is free to ISU students with a valid Bengal ID, $1 for faculty and staff, and $2 for general public.

Thursday, April 19 – SAB will hold its final bingo game of the year, featuring nice prizes. This time there will be two separate grand prizes, an Apple iPad2 and Sony Playstation 3. This event will be in the Pond Student Union Ballroom at 7 p.m. Admission is free to ISU students with a valid Bengal ID, $3 for faculty and staff, and $5 for general public.

Friday, April 20  – This will be the SAB's final Speed Dating of the semester. This time it is open for ages 25 and older, and will be held in the Pond Student Union Quad Lounge at 7 p.m. Admission is for ISU students only and is free with a valid Bengal ID. The deadline to sign up is Thursday, April 19, by 5 p.m.

Also, during the entire week, students can keep their eyes open for the SAB "carnies" (or board members) around lunchtime. People spotting the "carnies" will either receive a prize, or be given the chance to enter a raffle for Visa gift cards.

For more information about CarnEvil, or for other SAB events, visit www.isu.edu/sab, call the Involvement Center at 208-282-3451, or email questions to sab@isu.edu.



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