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Idaho State University Oboler Library exhibits art by Linda Wolfe, printmaker and visual artist

June 21, 2012
ISU Marketing and Communications

Linda Wolfe, a local a printmaker and visual artist, is displaying her work in the Idaho State University Eli M. Oboler Library Art Gallery through August.           

In All Things, by Linda WolfeWolfe has always been an artist.  It has been the one constant in her life that has helped her grow and view the world as a beautiful place. Wolfe grew up in Oregon and was raised on a farm, where she learned to appreciate nature, simple living and animals.

She spends many hours in her studio creating new art for enjoyment and to sell. Wolfe draws and paints as well, but uses printmaking as her special form of expression.

The Tree of Life by Linda WolfeWolfe fell in love with the process of creating a block print while attending art school.  She works primarily with linoleum and wood blocks and hand prints and uses her Vandercook No. 2 proof press (Guinevere) and her 908 small press (Paloma). Wolfe's prints take on lives of their own.  Some need to have color added while others need to show their black and white beauty.

Wolfe believes that art should be available to everyone and that every time we create and offer our art to those around us, we are transforming our thoughts into higher ideals for a better world.

Wolfe's artwork can be viewed during summer library hours 7:15 a.m. – 9 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturday and noon – 5 p.m. Sunday.




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