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Idaho State University Health Fair 2012 March 22-23 features 50 learning centers; blood draws begin March 1

March 2, 2012
ISU Marketing and Communications

The Idaho State University Health Fair 2012 – celebrating its 32nd year – is scheduled from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday and Friday, March 22-23, and will feature more than 50 learning centers on a variety of health issues.

Examples of services offered at the fair include everything from body-fat screenings and tests of grip strength, to nervous system evaluations and home health and hospice information. Other learning centers will provide blood pressure readings and hearing screening tests, to name a few.

The annual free Health Fair is sponsored by the ISU Division of Health Sciences and Portneuf Medical Center. It will be held in the ISU Pond Student Union Ballroom. 

Portneuf Medical Center (PMC) will provide laboratory services and blood draws at the fair on March 22-23. Blood draws will also be available on a walk-in basis from 7 to 11 a.m. Monday through Friday from March 1 – March 30 at the PMC lab located at 777 Hospital Way with access to the lab through the main entrance. A 14-hour fast is required prior to a blood draw for the lipid profile and general chemistry profile.

Participants who have their blood drawn on or before March 16 can pick up their blood profile results at the ISU Health Fair where health care professionals will help interpret results. If you have your blood drawn after March 16 or at the Health Fair, your results will be mailed to you.

PMC offers a general health blood profile for $35. The screening will include a chemistry profile, assessments for cardiac risk based on cholesterol levels, a complete blood count and a thyroid screen. Optional tests include a $15 confidential HIV screening and a $15 prostate antigen test. Other tests that will be offered this year include thyroid function screen for $15, iron level for $5, uric acid level for $5, glycohemoglobin for $25; insulin level for $25; and vitamin D level, a test for osteoporosis, $17.   

Last year's Health Fair featured more than 60 learning centers, providing services to hundreds of participants. ISU dental hygiene, nursing and pharmacy students will be available for consultation on medications, healthy teeth and gums, nutrition as well as other health-related topics.

On the day of the Health Fair during fair hours attendees can park in the Pond Student Union Parking Lot

For more information, contact Stephen Wright, wrigstep@isu.edu or 208-282-2325, or visit www.isu.edu/healthfair.





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