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Idaho State University economics Professor Benson is president elect of national Faculty Athletics Representative Association

March 12, 2012
ISU Marketing and Communications

Idaho State University economics Professor Scott Benson is the president-elect of the national Faculty Athletics Representative Association and will serve a term as president beginning in November.

Scott BensonFARA, according to its mission statement, is a "faculty voice ensuring balance between academics and athletics for the benefit of the student-athlete," which is devoted to academic integrity within university athletics programs, the well being of student athletes and institutional control of athletic programs.

"FARA plays an important role in shaping legislation toward the NCAA and whose input is sought out," Benson said. "It is an organization that does not have an ax to grind, and thinks athletics is a crucial part of the academic experience. We see athletes in several roles, both as athletes and students."

Benson has been active within the organization since 1999 as a representative for the ISU and assisted in ISU's recent NCAA accreditation. Last year he held the post of Vice President of FARA Division I, which oversees both Football Championship and Football Bowl Subdivisions.

"We try to make sure that the institution is complying with NCAA regulations both in the spirit and the letter of the law," he said. "We're here to promote student-athlete welfare, to certify their eligibility."

FARA is the Faculty Athletics Representatives Association, the professional association for faculty athletics FARA is the collective voice of faculty athletics representatives in all three NCAA divisions. It is FARA's role to advocate for faculty athletics representatives and to represent their concerns at the national level. For more information on FARA, visit http://www.farawebsite.org/.



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