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Public invited to attend legislative town hall forum Dec. 18 at Idaho State University Pond Student Union

December 14, 2012
ISU Marketing and Communications

The Idaho State Journal and Idaho State University are sponsoring a town hall legislative forum on Tuesday, Dec. 18, at the university.

The public is invited to the forum, which will begin at 7 p.m. in the Salmon River Room at the ISU Pond Student Union. The event will give area residents a chance to ask state lawmakers questions about a variety of topics. The Salmon River Room is on the building's upper level.

The lawmakers will also each give a short speech on their plans for the upcoming legislative session, which starts in January.

"This town hall forum will give residents from throughout Southeast Idaho an opportunity to speak directly to those who will be representing them in Boise," Journal Editor Ian H. Fennell said. "We are expecting to have most of the legislators from throughout the region at Tuesday's forum. It's an event that will give our state representatives and senators a feel for what's on people's minds before the session starts. I encourage everyone to attend and ask a question or two."

The state senators at the forum will include Jim Guthrie, Roy Lacey and John Tippets.

The state House of Representatives members attending will include Neil Anderson, Elaine Smith, Ken Andrus, Kelley Packer, Marc Gibbs, Tom Loertscher, Carolyn Meline and Julie VanOrden.

Idaho House Speaker Scott Bedke might also attend.

The town hall forum will begin with the legislators each addressing the audience regarding their goals for the upcoming session. Then the lawmakers will take questions from the audience. 

ISU is allowing free parking in the Pond Student Union parking lot for the event. 

If anyone has any questions about the forum, contact Journal Editor Fennell at (208) 239-3121 or editor@journalnet.com.



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