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30th annual ‘I Love ISU’ campaign features activities in Pocatello, Idaho Falls

August 29, 2012
ISU Marketing and Communications

The 30th annual "I Love ISU" campaign for Idaho State University academic scholarships is featuring events across southern Idaho in Pocatello and Idaho Falls, with fundraising calling already completed in Blackfoot on Aug. 29.

"We have already had great success with our Blackfoot calling and hope it's a harbinger of things to come in Idaho Falls, Pocatello and American Falls.  Once again, the community support for this campaign and the students it helps, is overwhelming," Felt said.

This year's remaining "I Love ISU" events are as follows:

• Sept. 5 – Idaho Falls calling session at Bennion Student Union at University Place;

• Sept. 10-13 ­– Pocatello and American Falls calling at Pond Student Union Ballroom Lounge.

• Sept. 11 – "I Love ISU" Night at McDonald's in Pocatello, from 6-8 p.m. at two locations, 1011 S. Fifth Ave. and 831 Yellowstone.

• Sept. 13 – "The Celebration" Pocatello Business After Hours, Bonneville Park, Pocatello, 5-7 p.m. hosted by Watkins Distributing.

Leading this year's campaign are Deb Thompson, retired ISU associate dean of the College of Technology, and Gary Black, regional manager, H & R Block. Both Thompson and Black bring a wealth of leadership and skill to the campaign.

"We are excited to lead the 30th anniversary I Love ISU campaign this year," said Thompson. "We have a great group of volunteer leaders who are already contacting their friends and co-workers for pledges.  It doesn’t get much better than that."

The money donated to "I Love ISU" goes directly to scholarships. Donors can specify their pledges to any program, department or college within the university.

For additional information on "I Love ISU" contact KC Felt, Director of Alumni Relations, 208-282-4735, feltkc@isu.edu or Teresa Borrenpohl, Assistant Director of Alumni Relations, 208-282-3386, borrtere@isu.edu.




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