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ISU Jazz Bands I and II will perform final concert of semester on April 16

April 12, 2011
ISU Marketing and Communications

The Idaho State University Jazz Big Bands I and II will perform their final concert of the semester Saturday, April 16, at 7: 30 p.m. in Jensen Grand Concert Hall in the Stephens Performing Arts Center on the Idaho State University campus.

ISU Jazz Big Band IISU Jazz Bands selections will include some of the classic compositions and arrangements for big band, including "Groovin’ Hard" by Don Menza; "Tuning Up" by Toshiko Akiyoshi; "La Almeja Pequena" by Gordon Goodwin; "Back Bone" by Thad Jones; and an arrangement of the jazz classic "Afro Blue."

The ISU Jazz I Big Band is directed by Dr. Patrick Brooks, Director of Bands, and Jazz II is directed by Kevin York, Associate Director of Bands. Ticket prices for this concert are $8 adults, $6 ISU faculty and staff, $4 pre-college students and free to ISU students. Children under the age of 6 will not be admitted into concerts.

For ticket information call 208-282-3595.



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