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Bellon Visiting Author Series features award-winning, Wyoming children’s book author Thomasma

February 11, 2011
ISU Marketing and Communications

A visit by award-winning Wyoming author Ken Thomasma will highlight the 25th annual Idaho State University Bellon Visiting Author Series scheduled March 7-9 at the Idaho State University College of Education and at area public schools and libraries.

Thomasma, who lives in Kelly, Wyo., has written a series of popular children's books highlighting the lives of Native American Indian children from different tribes. Thomasma has won the State of Wyoming Children's Book Award three times.  Four times his books have been nominated for the Colorado Children's Book Award. 

His works include “Naya Nuki: Shoshoni Girl,” “Soun Tetoken: Nez Perce Boy,” “Om-Kas-toe: Blackfeet Twin,” “Kunu:  Escape on the Missouri,” and “Pathki Nana:  Kootenai Girl.”

Thomasma’s schedule in Pocatello is as follows:

• Monday, March 7, he will visit Syringa Elementary School during the day and then will meet with the public 4-5 p.m. at the Marshall Public Library;

• Tuesday, March 8, he will visit Indian Hills Elementary School during the day and then will he will sign books at the ISU College of Education Auditorium 6:15-7 p.m. and speak to the public 7-8 p.m.; and

• Wednesday, March 9, he will visit Gate City Elementary and then speak to the public at the Portneuf District Library 4-5 p.m.

Books will be available for purchase and signing by the author at all locations.

For more information, contact Rebecca Hyde, 208-232-6452.






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