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ISU-Meridian Health Science Center and Ada County to provide free flu and hepatitis vaccinations at Community Health Screening Oct. 29

October 18, 2010
ISU Marketing and Communications

Uninsured and unable to afford medical care?

Idaho State University, Ada County, Central District Health, and the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare have partnered to bring free community health screenings to low-income Ada County residents.  Faculty and students from Idaho State University-Meridian Health Science Center will conduct the screenings Friday, Oct. 29, 4-7 p.m., at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 2920 Cassia St., in Boise.

The program, which sprang from an Ada County initiative to find ways to help save taxpayer dollars spent on indigent health care costs, provides free flu and hepatitis vaccines, basic physical exams, dental evaluations, hearing and depression screenings, on-site testing for blood sugar levels and HIV, and a variety of health education information.

“Helping low income individuals proactively get health care screenings, and take responsibility for their own health, are critical steps in preventing conditions from getting to the point of requiring an ER visit or worse,” said Ada County Commissioner Sharon Ullman.  “This effort will in turn mean savings to County taxpayers on indigent health care costs.”

“This is more than a health fair,” said Dr. Glenda Carr, an ISU assistant pharmacy professor.  “We are not merely giving out information, but screening for health conditions and doing brief, non-invasive physical exams.” 

The free screenings are intended for low-income adults with no insurance or limited access to preventive health care.  The full screening process will take about an hour.  In addition to conducting the screenings, ISU-Meridian faculty and students will provide disease prevention, dental, nutritional and diabetes education.

Another screening will be held Dec. 3 at Cathedral of the Rockies, 717 N. 11th St., in Boise.  Call ISU at 208-373-1700 for more information.

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Media contacts: Chris Gabettas, ISU-Meridian Health Science Center, 373-1806, or Jessica Donald, Communications Specialist, Ada County, 287-6998


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