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Idaho State University reports record enrollment for total headcount for spring 2009

May 14, 2009
ISU Marketing and Communications

Idaho State University enrolled a record headcount of 14,209 students during spring semester 2009. Enrollment was up by 871 students compared to spring semester 2008, a 6.5 percent increase.  

The only other time ISU spring enrollment surpassed 14,000 was at the end of spring semester 2003 when enrollment was 14,067, reported Larry Ford, associate vice president for special programs and enrollment management. This follows a record 2008 fall semester enrollment of 14,520.

“As with our fall semester enrollment, a good part of our spring enrollment increase is explained by the success of our Early College Program, which had 487 more students than one year ago,” Ford said. “This program continues to grow substantially.”

There also were 249 more technology/professional-technical education students than the previous spring.

Additionally, applications are up for ISU summer sessions and for fall semester. Summer applications are up by 21.8 percent, while fall semester applications are up 6.8 percent, as of May 4. Summer and fall registration also is up.

“Clearly, ISU has become an institution of first choice not only within the state of Idaho but throughout the entire region,” said Gary A. Olson, ISU provost and vice president for academic affairs. “Not only are our enrollments up, but the quality of incoming students is rising as well.”

These totals include both part-time and full-time students. During spring semester 2009 there were 12,357 academic students and 1,852 technology or professional technical education students enrolled.

Ford attributes the increases in enrollment and applications to several factors:

• ISU has focused much more attention to student retention, in particular starting the “Be Advised” campaign preceding each term’s registration, which encourages students to contact advisors;

• ISU recruiters and Early College Program personnel have coordinated efforts in area high schools to make students and counselors aware of the opportunities ISU affords, focusing particularly on dual enrollment students; and

• ISU recruiters and several ISU colleges have focused increased attention on potential transfer students, particularly from some areas of California.

Visit www.isu.edu for more information on the University and enrollment opportunities.


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