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ISU rodeo teams end season near top of the Rocky Mountain Region

October 28, 2009
ISU Marketing and Communications

Idaho State University Rodeo Team members completed their fall competition schedule following the Utah State University fall stampede rodeo in early October with the women's team finishing second in the region and the men's team fourth.

The top individual performers for the season were Kyle VanBiezen, first in tie down roping; Cy Eames, first in team roping header; and Kim Sanford, first in barrel racing.

They competed in four rodeos this fall with points accumulated counting towards spring competition and a chance to make it to the College National Finals Rodeo held June 2010 in Casper, WY.

ISU rodeo team members have competed against students from the following college/university rodeo teams: Boise State University, College of Southern Idaho, Dixie State College of Utah, Salt Lake Community College, Southern Utah University, Utah State University, Utah State University Uintah Basin, Utah Valley University and Weber State University.

ISU team members have had a successful fall season as shown by the Rocky Mountain Regional standings listed below:

• Women’s team – Second in the region.

• Men’s team – Fourth in region.

• Saddle bronc riding – Cy Eames, eighth.

• Tie down roping – Kyle VanBiezen, first; and Cy Eames, fifth.

• Team roping header – Cy Eames, first; and Maddy Durfee, 15th.

• Team roping heeler – Trevor Townsend, eighth; and Kyle VanBiezen, 15th

• Bull riding – Montana Barlow, second.

• Steer wrestling – Kyle VanBiezen, seventh.

• Barrel racing – Kim Sanford, first; Chelsi Horton, third; Jessea Kack, fourth; and Brianna Overdorf, ninth.

• Breakaway roping – Heidi Small, sixth; Kallie Duffin, 12th; and Kim Sanford, 13th.

• Goat tying – Georgina Gallegos, ninth; Chelsi Horton, 14th; and Kallie Duffin, 15th.

The team will resume their rodeo schedule in February with 5 rodeos on the agenda for spring semester. For more information about the ISU Rodeo Team contact Angela Askey, Advisor at (208) 282-3216. 


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