Idaho State University counseling department to host seminar in Pocatello on cyber-bullying
September 16, 2009
The Idaho State University Department of Counseling will host a seminar on cyber-bullying from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oct. 1-2 at the Rendezvous Complex, Rooms A and B, on the ISU campus.
Topics for the conference will include traditional bullying, teens and technology, cyber bullying, cyber-bullying intervention and many more.
The workshop is divided into two classes that stand-alone for contact hour purposes, but can be combined to earn graduate credit.The first day will start with a brief overview of bullying and teenagers, its effect on them, and how to confront and prevent bullying in general. The second day will center on the aspects of cyber-bullying, and how to deal with the new technology and tactics involved in cyber bullying.
Seven contact hours are available if you attend one day, or, if you attend both days, 15 contact hours or one graduate credit are available.
For more information, contact the ISU Department of Counseling at (208) 282-3156 or through the website