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ISU President Vailas expresses condolences to Northern Illinois University

February 15, 2008
ISU Marketing and Communications

Idaho State University President Arthur C. Vailas issued condolences to Northern Illinois University President John G. Peters regarding the Feb. 14 shooting that occurred on the NIU campus.

The letter read:

“It is with the deepest of sorrow that I write to express sympathy for the tragic events which have occurred on your campus.  News of such senseless violence leaves us all horrified and bewildered.  The entire nation mourns with you.

Please know that you and your campus community are in our thoughts and prayers.”

By direction of President Vailas, the University flag will be lowered to half-staff through Tuesday, Feb. 19, to honor the victims of the NIU tragedy.

ISU Public Safety has revised the Campus Violence Policy and Chapter Nine Section Seven of the Emergency Response Manual on Criminal and Violent Behavior. For more information on these plans and other ISU emergency procedures visit the ISU Public Safety Web site at www.isu.edu/pubsafe.

For additional information on these policies contact Public Safety at (208) 282-2515 or pubsafe@isu.edu.


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