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ISU events, Jan. 28-Feb. 8

January 25, 2008
ISU Marketing and Communications

ISU Coming Events:

The Idaho State University Office of University Relations distributes this events calendar to let the media and public know about upcoming non-athletic events at the University. This information is intended to be released in print and broadcast events calendars. Various events calendars with more complete information are available online at the Web site www.isu.edu/calendar_news.shtml. A copy of this release can also be accessed via ISU’s home page at www.isu.edu. Information about ISU athletic events is available at http://isubengals.cstv.com/. The area code for all phone numbers is 208 unless otherwise noted. The phone number for University Relations is 282-3620.


Monday, Jan. 28

•ISU President Arthur C. Vailas to Host Radio Show ‘ISU in Motion’: President Vailas will host a discussion regarding the history, future, and role KISU will play in representing Idaho State University to the rest of Eastern Idaho. The show will be broadcast from 6 to 6:30 p.m. and will include two guests, Jerry Miller, general manager of KISU, and student program director, Jamon Anderson.  KISU-FM 91.1 is owned by the Associated Students of Idaho State University and receives the majority of its funding through ASISU student fees. To make a pledge and become a member of KISU, listeners may go online to the station’s website at www.kisu.org.<>
ISU Gallery Walk: Opening reception Jan. 28, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. the Transition Gallery. A variety of themed artwork will be displayed in The Transition Gallery and Mind’s Eye Gallery, Idaho State University Library, Idaho Museum of Natural History, and Davis Gallery.

Monday, Jan. 28 through Feb. 15
• ISU Annual Art Faculty Exhibition: The opening reception is from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the John B. Davis Gallery in the Fine Arts Building. The Exhibition will be on display from Jan. 29 – Feb. 15. Admission is free. For more information, call Amy Jo Popa at 282-3341.

Tuesday, Jan. 29
ISU Student Activities, Idaho Public Television, and ITVS Community Cinema presents “Banished”: Filmmaker, Marco Williams, travels to three communities and asks, what can be done today to repair past racial injustice? Film and discussion is scheduled from 5:15 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. in the Pond Student Union Building Bengal Theater.  Admission is free.  For more information, call 426-4317.
ISU Human Rights Celebration Lecture: Harry Wu, a prominent human rights advocate who was incarcerated as a political prisoner for 19 years by the Chinese government, will make a presentation at 7 p.m. in the Pond Student Union Building Wood River Room. Wu was imprisoned due to his battle against slavery and human rights abuse. He continues his fight today, making frequent trips to China to document these injustices. Wu is the best selling author of “Bitter Winds” and has won numerous human rights awards in multiple countries for his struggle to end human abuse. For information, call ISU Student Unions, 282-4245.

Wednesday, Jan. 30
American Fisheries Society to Show Two Films at ISU: The Portneuf Student Unit of the American Fisheries Society will host a showing of “River Webs” and “Rising From The Shadows: The Return of The Cutthroat Trout”, beginning at 7 p.m. in the Pond Student Union Building Bengal Film Theater. For information, contact J. Ryan Bellmore, 282-2139 or www.isu.edu/departments/strmecol/.
Faculty Recital – Mezzo Soprano: Kathleen Lane, soprano, and Mark Neiworth, piano. Jensen Grand Concert Hall, L.E. and Thelma E. Stephens Performing Arts Center, 7:30 p.m. For information, call Music Department, 282-3636.


Saturday, Feb. 2

• ISU Chinese New Year Festival: This event begins at 6pm in the ISU Pond Student Union Building Ballroom. The Chinese Lunar New Year is the most important festival in Chinese society and is comparable to Christmas in the West. Enjoy an eight-course Chinese meal, musical performances, fashion show, and a variety of cultural demonstrations. Tickets may be purchased in the PSUB lobby and in front of the Bengal book store.  Due to the popularity of this event, advance ticket purchase is recommended.  For information, contact Clark Huang, 240-3052, or huanyung@isu.edu.

Monday, Feb. 4

• Read-In of Women Writers in Celebration of Black History Month: The Anderson Gender Resource Center and the Diversity Resource Center will host this read-in from 12 noon to 1 p.m. at the Bengal Café. Anyone interested in reading their favorite selection, written by professional African American or African Women Writers, is invited to participate. Timeslots must be reserved by January 28. For more information or to reserve your timeslot, contact the Anderson Center at 282-2805.

Thursday, Feb. 7
Performance of the “Messiah”: The ISU Concert Choir will combine with the Idaho Falls Chamber Orchestra to perform the “Messiah” by G.F. Handel at 7:30 p.m. in the Joseph C. and Cheryl H. Jensen Grand Concert Hall in the L.E. and Thelma E. Stephens Performing Arts Center. For tickets call 282-3595 or visit www.isu.edu/tickets. 

Thursday, Feb. 7, through Saturday, Feb. 9
• Theatre/Dance ISU:
I-MOVE The Idaho Moving Project concert, 7:30 p.m., Beverly B. Bistline Thrust Theatre, L.E. and Thelma E. Stephens Performing Arts Center. For tickets and information, call 282-3595, or visit www.isu.edu/stephens

Friday, Feb. 8
• Idaho Museum of Natural History concludes Armchair Traveler Series: Mike Livingston, a master kayak builder and Aleut raised on the Alaska Peninsula, will present “The Far Flung Aleutian Islands.” Presentation begins at 7 p.m. in the Museum’s classroom. For more information, contact Kristen Fletcher at 282-2262 or fletkris@isu.edu.

Friday, Feb. 8, and Saturday, Feb. 9
National Dance Association “Page to Stage Workshop, Making the Dance Standards Work for You!”: All day, various venues. For information on the conference and its fees, visit www.aahperd.org/nda. and click on the “National Workshop in Idaho” link. For additional information, contact Lori Head at (208) 282-2716.

Friday, Feb. 8 and Feb. 15
Idaho Museum of Natural History to offer Home School Enrichment Classes: Natural Science Inquiries Series is specifically for home-schooled children ages 8-12. The first session, “The Journey of a Water Molecule”, will be held February 8. The second session, “The Watery World of Wonders: Streams and the Fish Within” is scheduled for February 15.  Both sessions take place in the museum classroom from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Registration is required. For more information, contact Rebecca A. Thorne-Ferrel at 282-2195 or thorrebe@isu.edu.


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