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Upcoming ‘Mini Medical School’ to be videocast in Pocatello, Idaho Falls; public invited

January 8, 2007

The fifth annual Idaho WWAMI Mini Medical School on the central topic of the “Musculoskeletal System” will be videocast to Idaho State University locations in Pocatello and Idaho Falls from 7 to 9 p.m. Jan. 24 and 31, and Feb. 7, 13 and 21.

The presentations are open to the general public, college students and advanced high school students. It could be of particular interest to those in the medical and health-care fields, as well as those with medical conditions such as hip replacements or arthritis that involve the musculoskeletal system. University of Washington School of Medicine physician faculty from Seattle and Idaho along with other health-care professionals will present information on the musculoskeletal system on a level suitable for the general public and for college students as well as high school students with some science coursework backgrounds.

The classes are offered for no credit or for one college credit available from Idaho State University. Undergraduate and graduate credit options are available.

In Pocatello, the videocasts will be aired at the ISU College of Pharmacy, Leonard Hall, Room 162; in Idaho Falls the broadcasts will be aired at the Center for Higher Education, Room 314.

Topics will include how medical school programs now work in Idaho, sports medicine, physical therapy, the anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system, pediatric development and pediatric orthopedics, trauma, fractures rehabilitation, arthritis, joint replacement and descriptions of latest technologies.

The program will be videocast live from a presentation in Boise.   Videoconferencing facilities in Pocatello and Idaho Falls will permit interactive questions and answers at selected times during each presentation.

This event is produced by the Idaho WWAMI office in the Anderson Center at St. Luke’s Regional Medical Center in Boise.  The University of Washington School of Medicine is a five-state medical school. It serves Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho (WWAMI).

Preregistration is required. The deadline for preregistration is Jan. 22. Registration for no credit is $20. Registration for one college credit is $50. Registration is available online at http://workshops.isu.edu.For information on registering for no academic credit contact Ivory Sue Hill, at (208) 282-2362 or hillivor@isu.edu. For information on registering for one ISU academic credit contact Vivian Golightly (208) 282-4545 or golivivi@isu.edu.


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