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Jan. 15 March at ISU to honor memory of Martin Luther King Jr.

January 10, 2007

Idaho State University will host a Martin Luther King Jr. March at 1:30 p.m. Jan. 15 on the ISU campus.

    Marchers will assemble at the northeast corner of Holt Arena and journey to the Pond Student Union Building, where a program will be held in the Bengal Theater. A bus provided by the City of Pocatello Transportation Department will transport individuals wishing to participate but unable to march. The bus will provide transportation back to Holt Arena after the program for individuals who participated in the march.

    The program in the PSUB Bengal Theater, scheduled to start around 2 p.m., will include a keynote address from James Drake, an ISU senior in sociology and a member of the ISU football team. Various student-organization leaders will make presentations, and there will be an audio presentation of one of Dr. King’s writings. Vice President of Student Affairs Dr. Lee Krehbiel will deliver closing remarks.

    The parade route will travel from the northeast corner of Holt Arena to Bonneville Street, where it will turn west to Memorial Way, then south on Memorial Way to Martin Luther King Jr. Way, then west to Caesar Chavez Way where it will head south to the PSUB.

The parade is sponsored by the following ISU entities: Office of Student Affairs, Diversity Resource Center, Multicultural Committee, College Chapter of the NAACP and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity.  

For more information, contact Kay Rogers at 282-3142 or rogekay@isu.edu.


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