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Directors named for Energy Systems Technology and Education Center

May 30, 2007
ISU Marketing and Communications

Idaho Sate University College of Technology is pleased to welcome Gerry ‘Gary’ Trimble to the position of Executive Director and Linda Stuffle as Associate Director over Curriculum Design for the Energy Systems Technology Education Center (ESTEC).

“We are extremely fortunate to have these two great people who bring decades of experience in the power generation field to the table”, states Scott Rasmussen, Electronics Department Chair. “In addition to this expertise, they also bring with them national contacts and relationships with nuclear, fossil, and renewable power generation industries as well as ABET accreditation experience.  I am confident that the Center will flourish under their guidance.”

Trimble, an Idaho State University alumnus, brings over 40 years of experience in nuclear power to ESTEC. He began his career in the United States Navy nuclear program where he completed his training in Idaho and then served on submarines in the Pacific. In addition, he served as a prototype instructor while stationed in Windsor, Connecticut. After leaving the Navy he joined the Argonne National Laboratory and for 10 years worked with reactor operations, training and procedures. He then continued his career with the Westinghouse Nuclear Training Center in Zion, Illinois and at Palo Verde in Phoenix, Arizona as a trainer and in management. Over the next several years Gerry taught licensed training, assisted with the commercial startup of several nuclear commercial plants and operated his own consulting businesses in Washington. Gerry and his wife of 42 years, Margene Stucki, are looking forward to making Idaho their home again. They have seven children and 13 grandchildren.

Stuffle has 36 years of experience in engineering. Linda received a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Master of Science in Business Administration from Michigan Tech. In addition, she has a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University. She is a registered professional engineer in several states and has taught technology and engineering programs, primarily concentrating on power systems. She is also a commissioner for the Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET. For the past 18 years since moving to Idaho, Linda has worked primarily in private practice. Linda is married to Gene, a professor at ISU’s College of Engineering. They have one son who is majoring in Theatre at Idaho State University.

Both Gerry and Linda will bring expertise and knowledge to benefit the students and community. Gerry states, “With a total of up to 30 nuclear plants in planning stages, ESTEC, the College of Technology and Idaho State University are the answer. There will be a number of high paying careers for ESTEC graduates. I am looking forward to working within the University system and with young people in technology, helping them to progress the technical ladder.”  Linda adds, “With so many close to retirement age, there is a great need for people in energy systems. We will be helping to fill a need that some are just beginning to realize. ESTEC will put us ahead of the curve and provide well trained graduates.”

In December, the U.S. Department of Labor announced Idaho State University’s College of Technology as one of 72 recipients receiving a President’s Community Based Job Training Grant. As a result, the University is developing the ESTEC. Idaho State University, the Idaho National Laboratory, and Partners for Prosperity are working collaboratively in this effort.

The Energy Systems and Technology Education Center has three major components: education and workforce development, economic development, and community development. ESTEC is intended to help offset the growing national shortage of energy systems technicians and is expected to facilitate regional economic competitiveness, increased job growth and provide new opportunities for all employees.

ESTEC will offer an Associate Degree in Energy Systems Instrumentation and Control Engineering Technology beginning this fall. Associate degrees in Energy Systems Electrical Engineering Technology and Energy Systems Mechanical Engineering Technology will follow in the fall of 2008 and 2009 respectively. Scholarships are available for the fall 2007 program offering. For more information regarding ESTEC programs please contact Student Services at (208) 282-2622.

New reactor reference: http://www/fas/org/sgp/crs/misc/RL33442.pdf.


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