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‘Affluenza’ topic of ISU reading project

June 11, 2007
ISU Marketing and Communications

The accumulation of stuff is a disease affecting most people in America, according to the book “Affluenza: An All-Consuming Epidemic.” The book is the subject of the Idaho State University reading project this year.

The ISU reading project brings an awareness of social issues to the public as campus and community members read the assigned book and then participate in discussions. The ISU Leadership and Involvement Center coordinates events to supplement the readings, including a visit from the author(s). Past books include “The Cyanide Canary” and “Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America.”

<>The authors of “Affluenza” define “affluenza” as “a painful, contagious, socially-transmitted condition of overload, debt, anxiety, and waste resulting from the dogged pursuit of more.”

<><>Two of the authors, John De Graaf and David Wann, will to come to ISU and discuss the topic of overspending further Sept. 19-21.

<>Events include:

•    A discussion on writing nonfiction;

•    creating television documentaries;

•    “Escape from Affluenza” movie and a discussion with the authors following;

•    discussions on time management, overspending and real wealth and

•    “Affluenza” book signing.

“I hope the 2007 Reading Project ‘Affluenza’ will affect change in the

students and community,” said Bonnie Frantz, associate director of the Student Leadership and Involvement Center. “The discussions planned with the authors will stimulate individuals to think creatively for solutions to social ills caused by over consumption.

“Since reading the book, I think more often about the phrase ‘bloom locally’

and enjoying our own local area for vacations. It drives home that I should buy as much as possible locally rather than transporting food or goods long distances.

“I just need to live more simply,” Frantz said.

For more information, contact Bonnie Frantz or the Student Leadership and Involvement Center at 282-3451.


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