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ISU Frosh to “March Through the Arch” Aug. 26

August 17, 2007
ISU Marketing and Communications

The Idaho State University “March through the Arch New Student Welcome” will begin at 5 p.m. Aug. 26 at Frazier Auditorium in Frazier Hall.

The “March Through the Arch” was started in 2000 to symbolize the beginning of new students’ academic careers and as a tie to ISU students through the years who have walked through the doors of Swanson Hall, the first building on campus. ISU graduates march through the Arch prior to commencement to symbolize the start of their careers.

At this year’s ceremony new students will assemble in Frazier Hall before marching through Swanson Arch, all that remains of ISU’s first building. The march will be followed by a barbeque on Hutchinson Quadrangle where ISU President Arthur C. Vailas, PhD, and his wife, Laura Vailas, PhD, will greet new students.

A variety of speakers will greet the students, including representatives from the ISU administration, the Alumni Association, athletic coaches and Associated Students of ISU President Jennifer Brown.

Members of the ISU Marching Band will lead participants in singing the Alma Mater Hymn and the Bengal football team will lead them in the fight song.

ISU Alma Mater Hymn lyrics are: “Hail to thee, our Alma Mater, glorious is thy name! Evermore thy sons and daughters carry on thy fame. May the students e’er be loyal to thy mem’ry true. Hail to thee, our Alma Mater, hail to ISU!”

ISU Fight Song lyrics are: “Growl, Bengals, growl. Fight, Bengals, fight.

Gnash your teeth and bare your claws and drive with all your might. Roar, Bengals, roar, you decide our fate! Bring the vict’ry home to us, you Bengals of Idaho State! ISU Fight ISU Fight ISU Fight. Go! Go! Go Bengals, Go!"


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