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‘Thought and Memory’ art exhibit runs through Nov. 17

November 3, 2006
ISU Marketing and Communications

An Idaho State University Department of Art and Pre-Architecture thesis exhibition by Gail A. Bergeson titled “Thought and Memory,” a collection of prints (collagraphs) and “intaglio type” paintings, will have an opening reception from 6 to 8 p.m. Nov. 6 in the John B. Davis Gallery located on the lower level of the ISU Fine Arts Building on the Pocatello campus.

The exhibit runs through Nov. 17.Bergeson painting on display.

“The main idea of the imagery comes from my ancestral history, and attempts to speak to the connections between present and past,” Bergeson said. “The discovery of the Icelandic tales and northern mythologies aroused a passion to study ancient legends and mythologies. I am drawn to these stories, mesmerized by their influence on our history, my history, and my art. They are the core of my imagery.”

Bergeson was born in Yuba City, Calif., and moved to Idaho in 1969. In May 2001 she received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the ISU Department of Art and Pre-Architecture and minored in world history.  She is currently completing the requirements for the Master of Fine Arts degree from the Department of Art and Pre-Architecture, with an emphasis in printmaking and minor in painting. She is currently living in Idaho Falls.

For more information concerning the John B. Davis Gallery, please go to www.isu.edu/art/galleries.shtml.


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