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Retired ISU employees set reunion Oct. 26 in Pocatello

September 21, 2006

daho State University's retired employees will hold their third annual reunion on Oct. 26 at the Juniper Hills Country Club. All retired ISU faculty and staff and spouses of deceased retirees are invited to attend.

No-host social activities start at 5:30 p.m., followed by a buffet dinner at 7 p.m.

The "informal" organizing committee of Bruce and Alice Ronald, Ron and Joan McCune, Ross and Anita Ruchti, Dick and Donna Sagness, and Glenn Alford stresses that this will be an evening with social activities and opportunities to reconnect with members of the campus community, but no agenda of speeches or entertainment to interfere with the social function.

"Approximately 100 retirees have attended each of the first two reunions," says Alice Ronald, "and we've had many positive comments about the informality of the evening, the setting, and the food."

The dinner cost per person is $25. Prepayment before Oct. 16 is required. Payment and address changes should be sent to Ross Ruchti, Office of Continuing Education, ISU Box 8062, Pocatello, ID 83209. Make checks payable to "ISU Retiree Reunion."

Alice Ronald adds that any retirees who have not received mailed notification of previous reunions and wish to be placed on a mailing list should contact Ross Ruchti.

For more information on the reunion, call Joan McCune, 233-8467; Anita Ruchti, 233-6594; or Alice Ronald, 232-1430.


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