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Navigate Alert Reasons and When to Raise Them

As a component of the ISU Navigate platform, academic advisors, faculty, and support resources have the ability to issue alerts on behalf of students. Alerts are created to draw attention to students who may need additional support or as a means to offer praise to their academic performance. 

Alerts can be added through a Progress Reports of an Ad-Hoc Alert. Progress Reports are course based requests sent out to instructors at key times during a semester. Ad-Hoc Alerts can be submitted at any time through the users or student’s profile. 

Alert Reason

Case Created

Alert Received by

Alert Descriptions and Suggested Uses

Career Center Referral


Primary Advisor/Referred to Career Center

Alert is used when a student expresses the need to explore majors and associated careers.

Counseling and Mental Health Center Referral


Primary Advisor/Referred to Counseling Center

Alert used by Advisors when a student is referred to the Counseling and Mental Health Center for assistance.

Dean of Students Referral


Primary Advisor/Referred to Student Affairs

Alert used by Advisors when a student is referred to the Dean of Students for assistance.

Disability Services Center Referral


Primary Advisor/Referred to Disability Services

Alert used by Advisors when a student is referred to Disability Services for assistance.

Lacks Book, Technology or Materials


Primary Advisor

Alert used when a student expresses a need for assistance with course materials.

Lack Engagement


Primary Advisor

Alert used if you have concerns about a student's low participation in class activities affecting their ability to be successful in learning the course material.

Late to Class


Student (Through an email)

Alert used if a student has constantly been late to class resulting in a drop in participation and performance.

Low Test Scores


Primary Advisor

Alert used if you have concerns about a student test and/or quiz scores put them at risk of not passing the course.

Math Student at Risk


Office of Academic Advising

Alert used by Math instructors for student interventions.

Missing Assignments


Student (Through an email)

Used by instructors when a student has fallen behind on coursework. The alert encourages the student to reach out to their instructors.

Outstanding Student Performance


Student (Through an email)

A positive alert used to praise a student on their dedication to their course work.

Poor Attendance


Student (Through an email)

Use this alert if you have concerns that student’s grade may be impacted by their number of absences, for courses where attendance is mandatory

Showing Improvement


Student (Through an email)

A positive alert used to commend a student for making the effort to dedicate themselves to learning their course material.

Student Financial Concern


Primary Advisor

Alert used when a student expresses a need for financial assistance.

Student Needs Tutoring Support


Primary Advisor

Alert used to refer a student to the University Tutoring for support in course specific materials.

Student not Logging into Moodle


Primary Advisor

Alert used when a student has not logged into or has stopped logging into Moodle.

Student Wellness Concern


Primary Advisor

Alert used when there is concern for a student's physical or mental health.

Comments will be required to describe the concern.

***This Alert should not be used in emergency situations that need immediate attention.***