The Highest Standards
The MHA program at ISU is in candidacy at the Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education’s (CAHME). Candidate status is an indication that a program in healthcare management has voluntarily committed to participate in a plan of self-improvement and is actively progressing toward the status of accreditation. Candidate status is not accredited status and does not guarantee eventual accredited status. CAHME is the accreditation agency for MHA and related programs and represents the highest and most distinguished level of accreditation.
The MHA program and faculty will be affiliated with Idaho’s only AUPHA-certified undergraduate healthcare administration program, located at Idaho State University. The MHA program vision is to be regarded as one of the finest CAHME accredited programs in the western United States and the premier healthcare leadership education venue in the state of Idaho.
Goals, Objectives and Outcomes
MHA Program Goals:
Goal 2: Develop culturally-competent healthcare administrators by supporting practical education.
Goal 3: Demonstrate professionalism as evidenced by significant contributions in the healthcare field.
MHA Program Objectives:
- A significant percentage of MHA core faculties will have a terminal degree in the relevant discipline.
- A significant percentage of faculties teaching in the MHA program will have relevant professional experience.
- Students will participate with other professional degree programs.
- The MHA curriculum will be informed by healthcare industry standards and trends.
- MHA students will participate in internship, residency, and/or consulting activities during the MHA program to be culturally-competent.
- MHA students will have access to participate in professional outreach activities.
- MHA students will have access to participate in professional development activities.
- Each of the MHA Core faculties will be involved in at least one service activity within the healthcare field.
- MHA Core faculty members will be actively engaged in scholarly activities.