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MHA Methods & Assessment

Teaching Methods

The MHA program is delivered entirely online, providing students with the flexibility to engage in both asynchronous and synchronous learning formats. The synchronous online courses are scheduled in the evenings in order to accommodate the needs of working professionals. Our approach accommodates diverse learning preferences and schedules, ensuring that students can balance their educational pursuits with their professional and personal responsibilities. Select courses within the MHA program are also available for face-to-face instruction on the Pocatello campus.

Lectures form the backbone of theoretical education in the MHA program, where students learn foundational concepts in healthcare policy, healthcare finance, governance, leadership, professionalism, ethics, and management. These lectures are designed to build a strong foundation of knowledge that students can draw upon throughout their careers.

Lectures are often supplemented by case studies, which allow students to apply theories to real- world scenarios, encouraging them to think critically and develop problem-solving skills. The program integrates guest lectures from industry professionals, who share their insights into current trends, challenges, and innovations in healthcare, which helps bridge the gap between theory and practice.

Learning Methods

Learning in the MHA program at Idaho State University is a blend of individual and group activities. Students engage in independent research, reading, and assignments. These activities help students hone their ability to analyze complex information, synthesize data, and formulate evidence-based decisions.

Group projects and presentations are essential components of the learning experience. The MHA program fosters a collaborative learning environment through the integration of group-based projects, which aid in the development of soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and leadership. Through these projects, students learn to manage diverse teams, resolve conflicts, and achieve common goals.

Our residency requirement offers students the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a healthcare setting and provides a means to help students to apply their classroom knowledge to real administrative tasks.

Assessment Methods

Assessment in the MHA program is designed to be comprehensive, evaluating the depth of students' knowledge and their ability to apply skills in real-world contexts. Traditional methods such as exams, homework assignments, and quizzes assess students' understanding of key concepts and theories. These are often complemented by more dynamic assessment techniques like essays, research papers, and case study analyses, which require students to critically engage with the material and demonstrate their ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations.

Presentations are an assessment method which allow students to develop and showcase their
communication and presentation skills.

Group assessments, including projects and presentations, are integral to evaluating students' collaborative abilities. These assessments often include peer evaluations, where students provide feedback on their teammates' contributions.

Residency performance is assessed through supervisor evaluations, which provide insights into our students' ability to perform in a real-world healthcare environment.

Self-assessment is assessed by asking students to rate and comment on their level of knowledge and comprehension pre- and post-MHA program. This reflective practice helps the MHA program identify the key areas of growth that is ascertained through completion of the program.