ISU signs cooperation agreement with Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez for student exchange program
July 11, 2014
Idaho State University (ISU) has signed a cooperation agreement with Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez (UACJ) in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico.
The agreement enables the exchange of students and faculty in the health science programs, enabling them to study community medicine from a global perspective. This collaborative effort is designed to broaden the academic, professional and cultural perspectives of the participants.
“As an institution of higher learning, our mission is advance the academic and educational experiences of our students and faculty,” explained Laura Woodworth-Ney, ISU provost and vice president of academic affairs. “This program is designed to enhance ISU’s academic objectives, including preparing our students to work in a global society.”
The agreement between the two universities allows for the exchange of undergraduate, graduate and professional students, as well as faculty and staff. In addition, it encourages the sharing of academic materials and collaboration of academic efforts such as research, publications and presentations.
“Today represents the vision of two great institutions promoting student activity and research innovation,” said Ana Luisa Fajer, general director for North America of Mexico’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “This bilateral coordination will expand education, innovation and scientific research.”