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Self-guided Tutorials

Using Information Responsibly

Learn about the importance of academic integrity, how to avoid plagiarism, and basic tips for citing and documenting your sources in your coursework. This tutorial can be taken all at once, or in three separate sessions. To take the tutorial in one session, click on:

For best results you may want to use Internet Explorer or Firefox.

Note: For quizzes, look in your Moodle course(s). If your instructor has asked that you take this tutorial and the accompanying quiz, it should be located in your Moodle course. In the event that you do not have this in one of your Moodle courses, please contact Spencer Jardine or Alyssa Marquez.


ResearchPath Tutorial

The ResearchPath Tutorial offers research tips and tricks to enable researchers to do their work. 

Note: Look for ResearchPath Tutorial quizzes in your Moodle course. Instructors who wish to make links to the tutorial, and a 20-question quiz available within their Moodle course may download and restore this mbz file into their Moodle course. Refer to the Moodle instructions provided in the Restore Course Data to Current Courses document to import the file into your course, or contact the ITRC for help.  Also this site has step by step instructions to include this mbz file in your Moodle course. Contact Spencer Jardine or Alyssa Marquez for further assistance.


The Library of Congress Call Number System

Learn about call numbers in the SearchPath Tutorial section titled Understanding Call Numbers.

Multimedia Tutorials

These tutorials include an audio component and run automatically.


  • Key Word Searching. (2:01)
  • Narrowing a Topic: General Tips (4:59)
  • Reference Sources: Limit Results by Location in the Library Catalog. (5:38)
  • SCORE Learn how to evaluate the sources chosen for your research project based on the SCORE criteria of Scope, Currency, Originality level, Reason, and Expertise of author.  The resulting credibility score and your judgment about relevance to your topic combine to determine which source(s) to use for your college-level research project. (13:15)

Multimedia Tutorials Creators

Catherine Gray Librarian at ISU Library -- Idaho Falls
Atul Mehta Tutorial Assistant
Sabin Subedi Former Tutorial Assistant
Laura Gleason Student Success Librarian
Molly Montgomery Former ISU Librarian
Lingpei Zou Former Teaching Assistant
Spencer Jardine Coordinator of Instruction in Pocatello


  • For tutorial suggestions and comments, please contact Spencer Jardine, Coordinator of Instruction, at (208) 282-5609, or libinst@isu.edu.
  • If you need immediate assistance with research, and these tutorials do not appear to answer your questions, drop by the reference desk for informal help from a librarian at the reference desk, call (208) 282-3182, or send an email via Ask a Librarian.


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