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Where is the Reserve Desk in the Library?
When are Course Reserve items available?
Who may use Course Reserve services?
Where and how do I check out Course Reserve materials in the Library?
How do I access Online Course Reserve materials?
How do I use Online Course Reserve ?
How long may I keep in-library Course Reserve materials?
How do I view a video or CD that is on in-library Course Reserve?
Why does it take so long to print an Online Course Reserve item?
Who can I contact for Course Reserve assistance?

Where is the Reserve Desk in the Library?

At the Eli M. Oboler Library, the Reserve Desk is located on the right side of the main Circulation Desk on the first floor. At Idaho State University-Idaho Falls, reserves are handled at the Circulation Desk just inside the main door.

When are Course Reserve items available?

  • Course Reserve items for physical use only (books) may be checked out during regular library hours.
  • Online Reserves are available at any time from a computer with Internet access.

Who may use Course Reserve?

Online Course Reserve items are restricted to use by the professor and the students currently enrolled in each class. All E-Reserves are password protected. Do not share the password with others not in the class.

Books on Course Reserve are available for use by ISU students, faculty, staff, and community borrowers.

Where and how do I check out Course Reserve materials for use in the Library?

You must have your ISU/Bengal ID card to check out Course Reserve materials. At the Eli M. Oboler Library, the Reserve Desk is located on the right side of the main Circulation Desk on the first floor. At Idaho State University-Idaho Falls, reserves are handled at the Circulation Desk just inside the main door. You will need to provide:

  • your professor's name
  • the name of your class (ENGL 201, ECON 202, etc.)
  • the title of the book you need to read for your class

How do I access the Online Course Reserve materials?

  • Go to the Oboler Library Catalog at http://sierraapp.library.isu.edu
  • Click on the Course Reserve tab
  • Search for Course Reserve materials by Professor or Course
  • If there is more than one Course Reserve item for your professor or course there will be multiple titles listed. Click on the appropriate title and the Full Record will display. Online Course Reserve items will have Ereserve as the call number.
  • Click on the link found under E-Items: or Links:
  • Type in the password (provided by your professor) when prompted. Library staff will not give you the password.

How do I use Online Course Reserve?

Eli M. Oboler Library's Online Course Reserve system makes online course reading materials accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week for the ISU academic community. To view Online Course Reserve documents (PDF files) from outside the Library, you will need:

  • A computer with an Internet connection
  • A Web browser
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader
  • password - provided by your professor

Adobe Acrobat Reader software must be installed on your local workstation and configured in your web browser in order to view PDF files. The Adobe Acrobat Reader software is free and can be downloaded from Adobe's Web site.

How long may I keep in-library Course Reserve materials?

  • That depends. Your professor has determined the length of time you may keep reserve materials
  • Most reserve materials are limited to In-Library Use Only for two (2) hours
  • Late Fees - $.50 per hour, maximum fine of $25. There are no fines for online reserves.

How do I view a video or CD that is on in-library Course Reserve?

Professors may place personal or Library media items on Course Reserve. In-library use videos can be viewed in the library on the 3rd floor of the Library - ask for help at the Circulation Desk. CD-ROMs and DVDs may be watched/listened to at the multimedia computers in the Reference area - students may bring their own headphones or check out a pair at the Circulation Desk.

Why does it take so long to print an Online Course Reserve item?

There are a number of factors that affect print time. Among them are:

  • The size of the file
  • The type of network connection with which you are working
  • The speed of the computer on which you are working
  • The type and memory of the printer you are using

Remember: if you have a dial-up (modem) connection to the Internet, accessing and downloading Online Course Reserve materials may take a long time. The Library has public computers that may be used to search for reserve materials. You may save time by using these computers to access and print online reserves.

Who can I contact for Course Reserve assistance?

Brad Nelson, Library Asst. II, Reserve Mgr. (208) 282-3225, email address: nelsbrad@isu.edu

Barbara Mayfield, Circulation Mgr. (208) 282-2200, email address: mayfbarb@isu.edu

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