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Native American Tuition and Fee Program

Miss Idaho State University wearing traditional Indian clothing


Idaho State University is committed to increasing educational access to all populations, including Native American students. The University's relationship with the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes is historically unique because of the location of the Pocatello campus on traditional tribal lands. The University has entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes with a commitment to work to maintain a tuition and fee model that increases access and opportunities for the Tribes as domestic sovereign entities.

As part of this commitment, members of Idaho’s five federally-recognized Native American tribes may be eligible for the Idaho State University Native American Tuition and Fee Program. This Program recognizes the unique sovereign states of members of Idaho’s five federally-recognized Native American tribes and provides a reduced tuition rate of $60 per credit hour. The Native American Tuition and Fee Program is available to eligible members of Idaho’s five federally recognized Tribes: Shoshone-Bannock, Nez Perce, Shoshone-Paiute, Kootenai, and Coeur d’Alene Tribes. To be eligible students must be degree-seeking, eligible to enroll in ISU courses, and apply for federal student financial aid through the FAFSA program. The Program is for tuition only, other institutional, program and/or class fees still apply. For more information about the program, see Frequently Asked Questions or contact ISU Native American Student Services.

This program was initiated when ISU and the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes began work to update their Memorandum of Agreement. Many states offer members of federally recognized tribes, as domestic sovereign nations free or reduced tuition, due to their unique sovereign status. This Tuition and Fee Program is not based on racial or ethnic considerations, but, rather the unique political status of Idaho Native Americans.

Application for ISU Native American Tuition and Fee Program


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