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Student Projects

Faculty and students in History explore the past from a variety of angles, often combining these with hand-on, applied, or digital components. Here are some examples of the kind of projects undergraduate and graduate students might pursue in courses in History. Our graduate students often serve as Teaching Assistants in undergraduate courses, so even graduate students can be involved in projects designed for undergraduates.

Important Women in History

In Spring 2021, ISU History major Jasmine Housman designed hallway posters highlighting important women in history.  


Influenza in Idaho

Students in HIST 4423, History of Idaho (Summer 2020) authored a digital site to explore the 1918-1920 influenza pandemic in Idaho. The page, available here, offers fascinating explanations and historical primary sources that shows how Idahoans experienced that earlier global pandemic. The page uses the ESRI StoryMap platform to present narratives of various towns and cities. It's another great example of our students using digital tools to connect local stories to global history.


Early Modern and Modern Still Lifes

Students in History 1101 examine the emergence of still life painting as an art form as a response to the reformation. Students then have an opportunity to create their own still life art. In recent years, the course professor has had students 3-D print objects from Renaissance still life paintings to create their own 3-D modern still-life collages.

Early Modern and Modern Still Lifes


Middle East Facts

To develop awareness about the culture and history of the Middle East, students in HIST 3354 Modern Middle East created list of Middle East Facts, which was distributed around the ISU campus and published in the local newspaper.

Middle East Facts


Idaho in the Great War

Students in HIST 2291 The Historian’s Craft contributed to a semester-long collaborative research project on Idaho in the First World War. This project coincided with the 100-year anniversary of the United States’ entry into the war, and asked students to consider Idaho’s role in the war, local perceptions of the global conflict, and Pocatellans’ everyday experiences during this transformative event. Students engaged with a variety of primary and secondary sources, taking advantage of the Oboler Library special collections as well as a variety of digitized documents.

Idaho in the Great War


Idaho Suffragettes

Students in HIST 4425 Women in the North American West researched and wrote biographies Idaho suffragists, which were published on the website Women and Social Movements in the United States.

Group photograph of JACL members, Japanese American Citizens League

Japanese American Citizens League Collection, Special Collections and Archives, Eli M. Oboler Library, Idaho State University

A History of Japanese Americans in Southeast Idaho


History graduate students in spring 2020 built and published the SE Idaho Nikkei Project to promote historical understanding of Japanese Americans in our region since the late 1800s. "A History of Japanese Americans in Southeast Idaho" is available at https://sites.google.com/isu.edu/seidaho-nikkei-project/home. This website includes blogs authored by students, records of the recently processed JACL Collection at the ISU Library, oral history interviews, lesson plans for teachers, an interactive bibliography for further research, and much more. Our students and faculty collaborated with the Pocatello-Blackfoot Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens' League and the ISU Library Special Collections and Archives to build this public resource.