Early College Program in History

Idaho State University's Early College Program offers dual-credit (courses earning both high school and college credit) opportunities for high school students in Southeastern Idaho. ECP credits make it easy for students to get a head start on their degree requirements as undergraduates at ISU. History Department are proud to work with an excellent cohort of ECP teachers to develop syllabi, content, and assessments.
For History ECP students and teachers, click the links below to access classroom resources.
All ECP teachers and students have full access to ISU Libraries using their ISU login credentials. This includes the full library catalog as well as database subscriptions to primary and secondary source collections.
You may also use the library's History Research Guide for more information on historical resources.
The standard citation style for historical writing is the Chicago Manual of Style. The Purdue Online Writing Lab has one of the most comprehensive, easy-to-use Chicago guides available on the web.
Our faculty ECP liaisons are always here to help. Please feel free to contact your assigned liaison or email the Department at histdept@isu.edu.