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HCA Program Updates Fall 2016

Health Care Administration Program Updates                                    

Student Association of Health Care Administrators News

The Student Association of Health Care Administrators (SAHCA) is a student organization at Idaho State University, housed in the School of Health Professions, which encourages professional development and social interaction in the field of health care administration. SAHCA provides great opportunities for students to gain knowledge and skills in health care administration and to establish network with current practicing healthcare administrators and health services managers.

 SAHCA announces the new academic year officers and advisors as; Mr. Alex Lemmon and Ms. Elizabeth Bowers as Co-Presidents, Mr. Matthew Pollock as Vice President and Dr. Ruiling Guo as the faculty advisor.

Brown bag meetings this year will include invited guest speakers sharing their insights and executive experience in leading hospitals and health care organizations. These meetings will be a great opportunity for students to network with individual health care administrators and expand their knowledge in the U.S. health care system. SAHCA plans also included sending students to attend the Idaho Hospital Association Convention in Sun Valley in October. This was an exciting event for students to participate in and learn from Idaho health care leaders and administrators to enhance their professional development and future career in health care administration.


National Institutes of Health Awards HCA Faculty Members

Dr. Ruiling Guo, Principal Investigator, and Drs. Tracy J. Farnsworth, and Patrick M. Hermanson, co-investigators in the Health Care Administration Program received an award of $30,000 for the evidence-based management project from the National Institutes of Health/NLM under 1UG4LM012343-01 with the University of Washington in May 2016. The title of the project is Best Practice in Decision-Making: Educational Training Program on Evidence-based Management for Health Administrators in the Pacific Northwest Region. This award will benefit not only the Health Care Administration Program in the School of Health Professions, but also the University as a whole in continuing ISU’s standing as a leader in health sciences education in Idaho.


HCA Faculty Publishes Research Paper in Journal of Management & Business

Health Care Administration Program faculty in the School of Health Professions, Drs. Ruiling Guo, Tracy J. Farnsworth and Patrick M. Hermanson have successfully published a research paper entitled “Assessment of Evidence-Based Management Training Program: Application of a Logic Model” in the International Journal of Management and Business this year.


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