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Portneuf Health Trust Executive Challenge

ISU President Kevin Satterlee with Portneuf Health Trust CEO Shaun Menchaca outside Health West ISU with large check for $12,000 donated by Portneuf Health Trust

POCATELLO, ID - May 6, 2021

Idaho State University is grateful to have the support of the Portneuf Health Trust, who recently hosted an Executive Challenge that included over 1,700 miles of walking and a $12,000 donation to the ISU Department of Family Medicine. 
The Portneuf Health Trust challenged local community leaders, CEOs and others to complete a 142 mile walk, virtually, to the peak of Mt. Borah. The group included ISU President Kevin Satterlee and ISU Athletic Director Pauline Thiros, along with Pocatello Mayor Brian Blad, Bannock Development Corporation CEO MiaKate Kennedy, Pocatello Police Chief Roger Schei, Health West CEO Mindy Benedetti, Farm Bureau Insurance CEO Todd Argall and others. Overall, Mayor Brian Blad tracked the most steps, with an average of 17,000 per day. 
The Portneuf Health Trust, a longtime supporter of ISU, provided $1,000 for each executive who completed the trek. A total of $12,000 was provided to support the training of physician, psychiatry and pharmacy residents in the Department of Family Medicine at ISU. The check was presented at the Health West ISU clinic, one of the locations where residents complete the majority of their specialized training. Health West, Portneuf Medical Center and the Portneuf Health Trust are integral partners in the education and training of ISU students and residents.

Kasiska Division of Health Sciences - Learn more about the Kasiska family legacy and impact

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