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ISU faculty named Idaho Dietitian of the Year

MERIDIAN - May 22, 2020

The Idaho Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics named Barbara J. Gordon, MBA, RDN, LD, FAND, Outstanding Dietitian of the Year for 2020. This award recognizes members who have demonstrated leadership within the organization or employment through research, education, management or legislation. Recipients of this award have also served as an outstanding role model of professionalism and as a source of inspiration to others in nutrition and dietetics.

Speaking on behalf of Gordon in a letter of nomination for the award, Natalie Christensen, sports dietitian nutritionist for ISU writes, “Barbara is a very active member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (Academy) on both a state and national level. She is constantly sharing her experiences and encouraging the dietitians around her to participate and contribute to the Academy.” Christensen continues by saying, “I am in constant awe of the depth and breadth of her experience as a dietitian.”

Barbara Gordon headshot

Gordon was selected for the high honor based on the criteria above and nomination letters from Christensen and Seanne Safaii-Waite, PhD, RDN, LD, associate professor emerita, Foods and Nutrition at University of Idaho. Safaii-Waite writes,” Barbara is an outstanding role model of professionalism and inspiration as a gifted writer, communicator and leader. She is a sought by many for her expertise, including our own Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and has written hundreds of articles [for peer-reviewed journals, industry rags, and consumer education campaigns].”

She continues to describe Gordon’s unique approach to the education of today’s dietitians at ISU by saying, “…she is a role model to students. She takes a keen interest in students, taking time out of her busy schedule to get to know each of them and asking for feedback to enhance their experience. Barbara has been instrumental in moving ISU’s master’s program forward, and as a dedicated researcher, she is advancing our profession.”

Gordon moved to Idaho five years ago, and has enthusiastically volunteered her time for a number of Idaho Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (IAND) activities. She currently serves on the IAND Public Policy Committee. In the past, she has served on the planning committee for the IAND Annual Meeting and has presented two sessions there. In addition, as an IAND representative she served on the Idaho State Health Improvement Program Population Workgroup and wrote a column for the Idaho Press Tribune.

During her five years in Idaho, Gordon has also remained active on a national level.  She was recently asked to serve as a Subject Matter Expert on Evidence Based Practice for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ House of Delegates. She is a member of the National Advisory Board for the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)Comparison of Surgery and Medicine on the Impact of Diverticulitis (COSMID) Trial. Furthermore, she is winding down her role of Chair for the Research Dietetic Practice Group , she previously served as the Research DPG liaison to the Academy Council on Research.

As a dietitian, Gordon has held a wide variety of jobs. Her varied career shows the value of the RDN credential and her resourcefulness in leveraging this credential in a variety of fields. Barbara currently serves as assistant professor in the Nutrition and Dietetics Program at ISU. Her willingness to openly share her rich career experiences is a tremendous gift to not just her students but other dietitians within the state of Idaho and throughout the country.

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