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ISU Research Day- Caring for a Multicultural World

POCATELLO - Idaho State University’s Kasiska Division of Health Sciences will host its annual Research Day with a focus on Caring for a Multicultural World. The event is set for April 21 in the ballroom in ISU’s Pond Student Union building. The event will also be live-streamed to the ISU Meridian Health Science Center.

The event will kick-off at 8  a.m. with Keynote Speaker Manivong J. Ratts, Ph.D., an Associate Professor of Counseling from Seattle University. His talk is entitled, "Multicultural and Social Justice Competence: Are you Walking the Talk or just Talking the Walk?" Ratts’ teaching and research is centered around advancing multicultural and social justice counseling issues.

Following the keynote address, participants will then split into different interprofessional groups and discuss hypothetical case studies.

“This is a great opportunity for students to mingle within different interprofessional groups,” said Assistant Professor, Christopher Wertz.

The event will conclude with a poster session presented by students and faculty from 11:45 to 12:45 p.m. The poster presentations feature more than 25 research projects conducted by ISU students and faculty. This event is free and anyone is invited to attend including health professionals, researchers and the ISU community. To register ahead of time, visit, isu.edu/ichr/kdhs-research-day

For more information please, contact Steve Moody at (208)- 282-2304, moodste2@isu.edu for the Pocatello session or Cathy Oliphant at olipcath@isu.edu for the Meridian session.

Kasiska Division of Health Sciences - Learn more about the Kasiska family legacy and impact

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