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Parent/Mothers Rooms locations


Campus Parents Rooms are located on the Pocatello campus in the Rendezvous Center, on the second floor, in room #219. This room requires Bengal Card activation. There is a Parents Room in the Pond Student Union, on the second floor, in room 218. The room is inside the Women's bathroom near the entrance to the ballroom. This room locks from the inside.

The Parents Room on the Idaho Falls campus is located in CHE room 212 B and in the Center for Advanced Energy room 274. Both of these rooms lock from the inside.

The Parents Room on the Meridian campus is located in L.S. Skaggs Pharmacy Complex, in room 717. This room locks from the inside.


To establish guidelines and understanding of how parent rooms are used and how they are accessed at Idaho State University.

Purpose of Parent Room:

To provide a safe, welcoming place for parents to take infants and small children to feed them, change them, or for nursing mothers to pump milk.


Students, faculty and staff at Idaho State University (ISU) can gain access to parent rooms by having their Bengal Card activated to work in card sliders, on parent room doors. Once activated, the card can be used to access the rooms on campus for one academic year.

To activate card, send an email, with name and Bengal ID# to:

Stephanie Richardson – richstep@isu.edu

Your card will be activated electronically.

ISU visitors, or those who have not yet activated their Bengal ID, can access the parent rooms by obtaining a guest card. Guest card locations are listed on the door of the parent room and are issued with the time guest signed in, guest signature, time guest signed out and guest signature. If guest opts not to sign in and out, “unknown” can be notated in the signature area. Please give all guests the Parent Room Access Card.