First-Gen Initiative
Our First-Gen Committee teams up with ISU faculty and staff to host campus events celebrate first-generation students.
We partner with local organizations to help them create community events to raise awareness about first-gen students.
Plan a First-Gen Event
A typical first-gen celebration includes hosting a presentation or discussion featuring
anotable first-generation speaker. The goal is to help attendees understand
first-gen experiences and connect them to career and education options.
Read First-Gen Stories
To celebrate first-generation college students, we encourage you to
submit and share your first-generation college student story to
inspire other students to finish their college journey.
Idaho's First Generation to College Day
We are so excited to announce that Governor Little has once again shown his support of the first-generation community by declaring November 8th "First Generation to College Day" in Idaho! A huge shout out to Josh Engler for continuing this work with the Governor's office to secure this proclamation again.
Don't forget TRIO's impact on this day. It was TRIO who introduced the term "first-generation" and codified it into law in 1980, acknowledging the significance this experience plays in equitable college access. It was COE who collaborated with the Center for First-Generation Student Success to establish this day in 2017. And it is TRIO who continues to advocate specifically for first-generation access to postsecondary opportunities.
We use this day to raise awareness for these challenges, but also celebrate the success of our first-gen students across Idaho! And thank YOU for your continued effort to support first-gen students!
Thank you to our staff and faculty at ISU for helping spread and contribute to the First-Gen Intiative.