
The Literature program focuses on British and American literature, the study of genre, literary themes and identity, historical periods in literature, major literary figures, and studies in language. Elective coursework may include professional or creative writing, folklore, film, or comparative literature.
Our professors are experts in their fields, and bring their passion into the classroom. Our small class-sizes allow for personal attention from award-winning teachers.
A student with this degree could go on to a career in education, writing, business, web development, or law. Our alumni include teachers, authors, counselors, attorneys, editors, and marketing directors.
Degree Requirements
In addition to completing the General Education and other university requirements, Literary majors complete 45 credits within English as listed below. For more detail, see the ISU Undergraduate Catalog.
These courses are required:
- ENGL 2211 – Introduction to Literary Analysis (3)
- ENGL 3311 – Literary Criticism and Theory (3)
- ENGL 2280 – Grammar and Usage (3) OR ENGL 2281 – Introduction to Language Studies (3)
Take ONE additional upper-division course in linguistics, chosen from any of the following: (3)
- ENGL 3367 – Language in the United States
- ENGL 4480 – Varieties of American English
- ENGL 4481 – Studies in Grammar
- ENGL 4484 – Rotating Topics in Linguistics
- ENGL 4486 – Old English
- ENGL 4487 – History of the English Language
- ENGL 4488 – Introduction to Sociolinguistics
Select TWO of these literary history survey courses: (6)
- ENGL 2257 – Survey of World Literature I Beginnings through 16th Century
- ENGL 2258 – Survey of World Literature II 17th Century to Present
- ENGL 2267 – Survey of British Literature I Beginnings through 18th Century
- ENGL 2268 – Survey of British Literature II 19th Century to Present
- ENGL 2277 – Survey of American Literature I Beginnings to 1860
- ENGL 2278 – Survey of American Literature II 1860 to Present
Select ONE of these genre study courses: (3)
- ENGL 3305 – Art of the Film II
- ENGL 3321 – Drama and Performance
- ENGL 3322 – Poetry and Poetics
- ENGL 3323 – Studies in Fiction
- ENGL 3324 – Studies in Non-Fiction
- ENGL 3327 – Special Topics in Genre
Select TWO of these studies in identity and place courses: (3)
- ENGL 3328 – Gender and Sexuality in Literature
- ENGL 3353 – Literature of the American West
- ENGL 3354 – Studies in Black Literatures
- ENGL 3355 – Studies in Latino Literatures
- ENGL 3356 – Studies in Asian Literatures
- ENGL 4453 – Studies in Indigenous Literatures
- ENGL 4470 – Postcolonial Literature
- ENGL 4471 – Literature and the Environment
- ENGL 4474 – Literature and Religion
- ENGL 4475 – Topics in Literature, Identity, and Place
Select ONE of these Pre-1800 literary histories period courses: (3)
- ENGL 4461 – Studies in Classical Literature
- ENGL 4462 – Studies in Medieval Literature
- ENGL 4463 – Studies in Renaissance Literature
- ENGL 4464 – Studies in Seventeenth-Century Literature
- ENGL 4465 – Studies in Eighteenth-Century Literature
- ENGL 4472 – Studies in a Single Author or Circle Pre-1800
- ENGL 4476 – Shakespeare
- ENGL 4477 – Shakespeare in Performance
Select ONE of these Post-1800 literary histories period courses: (3)
- ENGL 4466 – Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature
- ENGL 4468 – Studies in Twentieth-Century Literature
- ENGL 4469 – Studies in Twenty-first-Century Literature
- ENGL 4473 – Studies in a Single Author or Circle Post-1800
Take ONE additional literary history period course chosen from either Pre-1800 or Post-1800 Literary Histories: (3)
Electives: (9)
Select 9 additional credits from English course offerings (6 credits must be upper-division). These courses might be used toward one of the English minors in Creative Writing, Professional Writing, and Film.
Senior Portfolio: (0)
ENGL 4491 – Senior Literary Studies Portfolio
Students submit a portfolio of their two best papers, at least one of which should include research and citations, and a reflection (3pp.) on how they have developed as writers and thinkers relative to the outcomes of the major and literary track. Graded S/U and a S grade is required for graduation.
Contact us:
Chair of English and Philosophy
English & Philosophy Administrative Assistant
The minor in English allows students to delve into the broad offerings of English literature courses. The minor is structured to give students a strong background in classic texts and literary interpretation. The minor goes well with virtually any other major, including history, psychology, math, and biology.
Our classes help you develop valuable skills, including reading critically, analyzing logically, and communicating effectively. Thus an English Literature minor is an excellent choice for a career in teaching, writing, journalism, law, medicine, public relations, advertising, editing, and publishing.
Total number of credits for the minor: 18
Required Courses: (6 credits)
- ENGL 2211 - Introduction to Literary Analysis
- ENGL 3311 - Literary Criticism and Theory
You will then select TWO of the following survey courses: (6 credits)
- ENGL 2257 - Survey of World Literature I Beginnings Through 16th Century
- ENGL 2258 - Survey of World Literature II 17th Century to Present
- ENGL 2267 - Survey of British Literature I Beginnings Through 18th Century
- ENGL 2268 - Survey of British Literature II 19th Century to Present
- ENGL 2277 - Survey of American Literature I Beginnings to 1860
- ENGL 2278 - Survey of American Literature II 1860 to Present
You will then select TWO additional English courses at the upper- division level: (6 credits)
Contact us:
Chair of English and Philosophy
English & Philosophy Administrative Assistant