Margaret Johnson
Professor of English; Director of Composition
Office: LA 235
PhD, English (1998), University of Oregon
MA, English (1990), San Jose State University
BS, Business Administration - Accounting (1986), University of California, Berkeley
I work in the fields of rhetoric and composition, postmodern fiction, and film studies. In the area of rhetoric and composition, my work focuses on pedagogical issues; in postmodern fiction, I deal mostly with issues of style and form. My research in film deals primarily with genre studies and queer theory. I regularly teach courses in all three areas.
Selected Publications
My work has appeared in the following publications: Quarterly Review of Film and Video, Film-Philosophy Quarterly, Popular Culture in Libraries, Genre, The Encyclopedia of Novels into Film, and CEA Forum. I have an article in the book The Geographical Imagination of Annie Proulx: Rethinking Regionalism (edited by Alex Hunt), and I wrote the Instructor’s Manual for The Shape of Reason, 3rd edition. My book Literary Studies: A Practical Guide was co-authored with Tison Pugh.
Courses Taught
6642: Seminar in Oral/Popular Culture: Film Adaptation
6632: Seminar in Teaching Literature
6631: Seminar in Teaching Writing
6627: Seminar in Major Literary Figures: John Barth and Don DeLillo
6625: Seminar in a Literary Period: The Problem(s) of the Postmodern
6610: Careers in English
4493: Senior Seminar in Professional Writing
4492: Senior Seminar in Literature: The Problem of Fiction
4469/5569: Contemporary Literature: Postmodernism
4431/5531: Teaching and Writing Projects
4401/5501: Advanced Composition
3323: Genre Studies in Drama
3308: Business Communications
3305: Art of Film II: Romantic Comedy
2278: Survey of American Literature II
2268: Survey of World Literature II
2267: Survey of World Literature I
1126: Art of Film I