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Portrait Picture of Adam C. Bradford

Adam C. Bradford

Dean of the Graduate School; Acting Provost; Professor of English

Office: Museum Building 401




Ph.D. University of Iowa

M.A. Brigham Young University

B.A. University of Utah

Dr. Adam Bradford joins Idaho State University in the position of Dean of Graduate Studies. Since this is a full-time administrative position, he does not currently teach for the English and Philosophy department nor does he do general advising for our program.


Communities of Death: Whitman, Poe, and the American Culture of Mourning, University of Missouri Press, 2014.

Selected Articles and Book Chapters

“The Inca in the Nineteenth-Century US Poetic Imaginary.”  A Companion to American Poetry, edited by Mary Balkun, Paul Jaussen, and Jeffrey Gray, Wiley Blackwell, 2022.

"A Critical Congeries: Forty-Five Theses for Poe," Poe Studies: History, Theory, Interpretation 52 (2019), 8-18.

“Any Peculiar Taste or Prepossession”?: Poe and the Antebellum Registers of Authorial Interpretation. In Poe Studies: History, Theory, Interpretation 51 (2018).

“Embodying the Book: Mourning for the Masses in Walt Whitman’s Drum-Taps.” Mickle Street Review: An Electronic Journal of Whitman and American Studies 21 (2016).

“The Collaborative Construction of a Death-Defying Cryptext: Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass.” Sentimentalism in Nineteenth-Century America: Literary and Cultural Practices. Eds. Mary De Jong with Paula Bernat Bennett. (Farleigh Dickinson UP, 2013), 300-319.


James W. Gargano Award, Poe Studies Association, 2018.

Faculty of Distinction Award Nominee, Broward President’s Community Council, Florida Atlantic University; 2011.