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Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is a set of written instructions that explains how to perform a specific activity or process in a safe and responsible manner. SOPs are typically required when an activity poses a higher level of risk than normal. 




current sop library

The OSHA Laboratory Standard requires that employers have a Chemical Hygiene Plan that includes: "Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)s relevant to safety and health considerations to be followed when laboratory work involves the use of hazardous chemicals". SOPs must be included or linked in each lab's "Lab Specific Safety Plan".

ISU maintains an expanding list of SOPs related to hazardous material handling and the performance of some hazardous activities. If you need assistance finding or developing an SOP please contact EHSS at 208-282-2310.

The contents of an SOP might vary, depending on the subject. SOPs might contain step-by-step instructions for the performance of a particular activity, or they might provide a set of guidelines or useful safety-related information that should be considered. Information might include potential safety hazards and how to address them: PPE and equipment requirements, safe work practices, and important regulatory information.

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