Stormwater and Waste Water Permits
Stormwater is water from rain or snow that flows over surfaces like parking lots, roofs, and sidewalks, picking up pollutants. It flows untreated into a conveyance system, ultimately reaching the river. Idaho State University is a partner for the City of Pocatello Stormwater Permit.
Wastewater is water that enters the sanitary sewer system through drains or toilets. Idaho State University is part of the City of Pocatello Wastewater permits (Permit No. ISU080219). Effective 9/1/2019, expires 8/31/2024.
Common stormwater pollutants include pet waste, litter, loose soil or dirt and fertilizer, pesticides, and herbicides that are incorrectly applied. Stormwater pollutants aggregate as water flows overland.
The Pocatello Urbanized Area MS4 Permit defines an illicit discharge as “any discharge to an MS4 that is not composed entirely of stormwater." Section 2.4 of the MS4 Permit outlines allowable discharges. Any questions on allowable discharges should be directed to EHS. Idaho State partners with the City of Pocatello for illicit discharge reporting.
If you see an illicit discharge on the Pocatello Campus, you may report it by:
- In the event of an emergency that is immediately dangerous to human health or the environment, dial 911
- Call Jennifer Parrott at (208) 282-3498 during normal business hours
- Call the City of Pocatello at (208) 234-6225
- Report to the City of Pocatello utilizing their online reporting form
Idaho State is a co-permittee with the City of Pocatello, the City of Chubbuck, the Idaho Transportation Department, and Bannock County on the Pocatello Urbanized Area Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) Permit, NPDES Permit #IDS028053. This permit regulates stormwater discharge from the Pocatello Urbanized Area (PUA) to the Portneuf River. This permit was effective on 10/1/2019 and expires on 9/30/2024. The permit requires each co-permittee to manage stormwater conveyances and infrastructure within the PUA.