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SAMPLE Curriculum listing

ACADEMIC CORE (12 cr min)

Course Number Course Title Credit Count
COH 8001 Overview of Rehabilitation Disciplines 3
HCA 5520 The Business of Healthcare 3
COH 8010 Mentored Teaching Practicum 1
Select 2 of the following or related coursework:    
EDUC 6602 Theories of Learning 3
EDLH 7732 College and University Curriculum 3
EDLH 7734 Issues and Trends in Higher Education 3
DENT 6605 Program Development and Evaluation 3
DENT 6618 Leadership Strategies to Improve Health Care 3
DENT 6620 Advanced Educational Theory and Methods 3

RESEARCH CORE (15 cr min)

Course Number Course Title Credit Count
COH 8020 Doctoral Colloquium 1
Select 3 of the following (in sequence when appropriate):    
MATH 5557 Applied Regression Analysis 3
MATH 5558 Experimental Design 3
MATH 5559 Applied Multivariate Analysis 3
NURS 8813 Advanced Qualitative Analysis 3
NURS 8830 Mixed Methods Health Care Research 3
PSYC 6627 Statistics and Research Design I 3
PSYC 6632 Statistics and Research Design II 3
PSYC 6637 Multivariate Statistics and Research Design 3
Select 1 of the following:    
CSD 6600 Principles of Research in Communication Disorders 3
DENT 6646 Health Research 3
NURS 7735 Statistical Analysis in Evidence-based Practice 3
NURS 8830 Mixed Methods Health Care Research  3
PPRA 5518 Clinical Research Design and Analysis 4
Select 1 of the following:    
NURS 8825 Grant and Scholarly Writing 2
NURS 8826 Advanced Scientific Writing 2
PSCI 6603 Scientific Communication 2
POLS 5557 Grant Writing 3


Course Number Course Title Credit Count
COH 8030 Advanced Seminar in Rehabilitation and Health Sciences 1 - 6
COH 8031 Independent Study 1 - 6
COH 8032 Special Topics in Rehabilitation and Health Sciences 1 - 6
COH 8033 Special Topics Workshop in Rehabilitation and Health Sciences 1 - 6
COH 8050 Research Practicum in Rehabilitation and Health Sciences 1 - 6
COH 8899 Experimental Course 1 - 6

DISSERTATION (18 cr min)

Course Number Course Title Credit Count
COH 8080 Predoctoral Independent Study 1 - 9
COH 9000 Dissertation 1 - 9
COH 9001 Dissertation: Summer Research 1 - 6

Approved Course Offering Matrix

Other courses may be considered, but will have to be petitioned and approval must be obtained from the student’s advisory committee and the department chair (or equivalent) from where the course is offered stating that the student(s) may enroll in the course. If there are course prerequisites that the instructor won’t waive it is the student’s responsibility to petition to take those and complete them before enrolling in the course.


Please be aware of the following: + - in-person and online, ^ - in-person only, * - online only. In-person offerings may be restricted by campus.





Academic Core

(12 Credits)

Required (COH 8001, COH 8010, HCA 5520)

+COH 8001 Overview of Disciplines of Rehabilitation (3 credits)

*HCA 5520 The Business of Healthcare (3 credits)


+COH 8010 Mentored Teaching Practicum (1 credit)

+COH 8010 Mentored Teaching Practicum (1 credit)

+COH 8010 Mentored Teaching Practicum (1 credit)

Teaching and Curriculum – Student must complete a minimum of 5 credits

*EDUC 6602 Theories of Learning (3 credits)

*EDUC 6602 Theories of Learning (3 credits)

*EDUC 6602 Theories of Learning: 3 semester hours

^EDLH 7732 College and University Curriculum (3 credits)

^EDLT 7742 Instructional Systems Design I (3 credits)

*EDLT 7743 Instructional Systems Design I (3 credits)

*EDLT 7740 Instructional Systems Design I (3 credits)

*DENT 6618 Leadership Strategies to Improve Health Care (3 credits)

*EDLT 7745 Instructional Design for Distance Learning Delivery (3 credits)

*DENT 6605 Program Development and Evaluation (3 credits)



*DENT 6620 Advanced Educational Theory and Methods (3 credits)



Research Core

(15 credits)

Statistics and Research Methods – Student must complete a minimum of 9 credits

^MATH 5557 Applied Regression Analysis (3 credits)

^MATH 5558 Experimental Design (3 credits)


^PSYC 6627 Statistics and Research Design I (3 credits)

^PSYC 6632 Statistics and Research Design II (3 credits)


^PSYC 6637 Multivariate Statistics and Research Design (3 credits)

^MATH 5559 Applied Multivariate Analysis (3 credits)


*NURS 8813 Advanced Qualitative Analysis (3 credits)



*NURS 8830 Mixed Methods Health Care Research (3 credits)



Clinical Research Methods and Design –Student must complete a minimum of 3 credits

*DENT 6646 Health Research (3 credits)

+CSD 6600 Principles of Research in Communication Disorders (3 credits)


*NURS 7735 Statistical Analysis in Evidence Based Practice (3 credits)



*NURS 8830 Mixed Methods Health Care Research (3 credits)



Doctoral Colloquium - Required Each Fall / Spring Semester That The Student Is Enrolled In The Program.

+COH 8020 Doctoral Colloquium (1 credit)

+COH 8020 Doctoral Colloquium (1 credit


Grant/Scientific Writing Seminar - Student must complete a minimum of 2 credits.

*NURS 8826 Approaches to Scholarly Writing (2 credits)

+COH 8020 Doctoral Colloquium (1 credit)


^PSCI 6603 Scientific Communication (2 credits)

*NURS 8825 Grant and Scholarly Writing (2 credits)



*POLS 5557 Grant writing (3 credits)


Specialized Program

(15 credits)

Develop Area of Specialization with Advisor / Mentor - Student may complete any number of credits, but only 6 may count toward the degree

All courses are offered as a web course and in person

COH 8030 Advanced Seminar in Rehabilitation and Health Sciences (1-6 credits)

COH 8030 Advanced Seminar in Rehabilitation and Health Sciences (1-6 credits)

COH 8030 Advanced Seminar in Rehabilitation and Health Sciences (1-6 credits)

COH 8031 Independent Study (1-6 credits)

COH 8031 Independent Study (1-6 credits)

COH 8031 Independent Study (1-6 credits)

COH 8032 Special Topics in Rehabilitation and Health Sciences (1-6 credits)

COH 8032 Special Topics in Rehabilitation and Health Sciences (1-6 credits)

COH 8032 Special Topics in Rehabilitation and Health Sciences (1-6 credits)

COH 8899 Experimental Course (1-6 credits)

COH 8899 Experimental Course (1-6 credits)

COH 8899 Experimental Course (1-6 credits)

Mentored Research Project - Student may complete any number of credits, but only 3 may count toward the degree

All courses are offered as a web course and in person

COH 8050 Research Practicum in Rehabilitation and Health Sciences (1-6 credits)

COH 8050 Research Practicum in Rehabilitation and Health Sciences (1-6 credits)

COH 8050 Research Practicum in Rehabilitation and Health Sciences (1-6 credits)

Enhanced Specialization - Student must complete a minimum of 6 credits of basic or applied sciences related to their area of specialization outside of the COH. They may complete any number of credits, but only 6 may count toward the degree.

All courses are offered as a web course and in person


(18 credits)

COH 8080 Predoctoral Independent Study (1-9 credits)

COH 8080 Predoctoral Independent Study (1-9 credits)

COH 8080 Predoctoral Independent Study (1-9 credits)

COH 9000 Dissertation (1-9 credits)

COH 9000 Dissertation (1-9 credits)

COH 9000 Dissertation (1-9 credits)

COH 9001 Dissertation: Summer Research (1 credit)

COH 9001 Dissertation: Summer Research (1 credit)

COH 9001 Dissertation: Summer Research (1 credit)

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