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There are a few options for creating different kinds of forms.

Google Forms

This is the easiest option. ISU gmail accounts include the Google Forms app.

Google forms is flexible and easy to use. Submissions can be stored in a Google sheet, and email notifications can be sent to you and submitters.

If you have a department/office email, it's best to use that account to create the form. That way it can be accessed by multiple people.

Tips on using Google Forms


There are many Google Forms tutorials on google and youtube.

Google's instruction on using Google Forms

This video is concise and covers many uses: How to use Google Forms - Tutorial for Beginners



When choosing the Theme of a form, please use the Gray option or add #d4441c as the theme color.


Embed tips

How to embed

Google's embed code does not meet accessibility standards. To make it accessible, add a title.

The embed code will look like this:

<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdHQ2V02DPQ9aAc3OOFNziYFmLHxVdDgoAT2PRctznGcvAT6A/viewform?embedded=true" width="640" height="1346" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading…</iframe>

Add a title:

<iframe title="Web training form" src="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdHQ2V02DPQ9aAc3OOFNziYFmLHxVdDgoAT2PRctznGcvAT6A/viewform?embedded=true" width="640" height="1346" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading…</iframe>

The title should be the name of the form or what you would put as a heading for the form.


To remove the right-hand scroll bar, increase the height of the form. 

<iframe title="Web training form" src="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdHQ2V02DPQ9aAc3OOFNziYFmLHxVdDgoAT2PRctznGcvAT6A/viewform?embedded=true" width="640" height="1546" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading…</iframe> 



Qualtrics is a survey tool. Depending on what you need the form to do, this can be a good option. Qualtrics is available to all Idaho State University faculty, staff, and currently enrolled students for research-related purposes.

More information can be found on the Qualtrics page.



Formbuilder is built into Terminalfour. Currently, it can only be accessed by Power Users and Administrators. An advantage to Formbuilder is that all submissions are stored as content types. This means submissions can be displayed as content in sections.

Formbuilder has limited functionality.

If you would like a form made through Formbuilder contact us at web@isu.edu



Marketing and Communications has a license for a limited number of forms with Formstack.

It is reserved for forms that have a very broad use, are complex, or require interactivity.