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Jeff Rosentreter

Dr. Jeffrey Rosentreter

Full Professor

Office: PSC 150C, Pocatello

(208) 282-4281



Ph.D. Environmental/Analytical Chemistry, Colorado State University, 1990

Student experience required for research: CHEM 232 required, CHEM 331-332 recommended

Student experience gained from research: Hands-on experience with a wide array of chemical instrumentation, Introduction to Environmental analysis using standard analytical methods.

Ideal preparation for: Getting a job, 1.3% of the American gross national product is spent on chemical analysis, performed by Analytical Chemists. 

Research Focus

1) Archaeological evaluation of prehistoric stone-tools:

Understanding the specific use and purpose of archaeological specimens such as stone axes and grinding stones continues to be a perplexing problem. Traditional form-function relationships provide strong clues to the specific use of these implements. Yet, chemical analysis of residues preserved on these tools may provide key information in identifying how the tool was implemented. Our research goal is to provide chemical analysis capable of identify trace components associated with plant and animal materials. Since different plants and animals produce different types and quantities of organic compounds we can associate these to the toolUs actual use.

2) Geo-thermometry in the Yellowstone Basin:

Underlying the beauty of the Yellowstone plateau and its unique geothermal features is a somewhat restless volcanic caldera. There is much interest in monitoring the activity of this underlying heat source. One measurement of the magma activity is obtained by water chemistry of the geothermal springs located in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem. While it is difficult or impossible to monitor the many individual features, our research proposes a survey measurement be obtained by monitoring chemical indicators from hot springs as they exit the drainage basin in the surface water of three rivers. Research studies include both field and laboratory studies.

3) Solar Remediation of Environmental Contaminants:

A) Photo-Oxidation of inorganic cyanides by solar irradiation.

Cyanide is used in the mining of precious metals, especially gold extraction. The use of solar irradiation is being investigated as a source of decomposition and eventual oxidization of cyanide compounds. The use of semi-conductor oxides as photosensitizers has increased the quantum efficiencies of these processes.

B) Photo-Chemical remediation of TCE using ceramic micro spheres.

Industrialization has lead to the wide use and abuse of toxic organic solvents. The use of TiO2 as a photo-oxidation catalyst for these compounds is well recognized. In an effort to remediate contaminated surface waters in situ, photo-sensitizers are being placed on ceramic micro sphere. These hollow micro spheres allow catalysts to be easily delivered and retrieved from natural waters. The feasibility and effectiveness of using these remediation technologies are being evaluated.

Recent Publications

Rosentreter, J. J.; Hymas, P. (2019). In Hugh Cartwright, Oxford University (Ed.), Using Natural Flowers as Colorful Sulfur Dioxide Detectors (1430-5000 ed., pp. 4). Meridian, ID 83642: The Chem Educator - Journal. http://chemeducator.org

Rosentreter, J. J. (2019). Examination of Chemistry in Everyday Phenomena (pp. 142). Laboratory Manual, Open Education Resource: openaccess.com

Rosentreter, J. J.; Evilia C.M.. (In preparation). Characterization of the Great Salt Lake Hypersaline Environment and Microorganisms. PLOS ONE / Public Library of Science Washington D.C. 

Rosentreter, J. J.; Alqurashi, M.A.; Kirkham, M.; Hymas, P. (In preparation). Cyanide Detection in Blood using Indirect Chemical and Photo-Chemical Laboratory Methodologies. Microchemical Journal/Elsevier. 

Rosentreter, J. J.; Malamakal, J.; Barnes, K.; Alexander, M. (2017). Solvent selection for fatty acid residue analysis of archeological artifacts. Sample Preparation, 3:1-10pp. https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/sampre


Rosentreter, J.J.; et al. Continuous Real-Time Measurement of Aquesous Cyanide. Patent No.: US 7,186,379 B2, Patent Date: Mar. 6, 2007. Prior publication data Oct. 17, 2002. Assignee Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC. Contract United States Government, Contract No. DE-AC07-99ID13727.

Rosentreter, J.J.; Gering K.L. Prototype Treatment System for the Destruction of Aqueous Cyanide at Remote Locations. Sponsors: Massachusetts Institute of Technology & Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies Company (Application under Review).

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