Portneuf River Basin

The Portneuf River basin is home to Pocatello, a mid-sized city poised to expand along the length of the Portneuf River. Research will inform community leaders and decision-makers how to develop ecosystem services in concert with urban expansion, in a way best suited to current community values. It will also provide a means of formulating discussions so that scientists, policy-makers, and the general public can effectively communicate.
"Our Research Identifies Patterns of Change in Water-based Ecosystem Services near Mid-sized Cities"
"Our research is informed by our communities, examining how society and climate drivers influence changes in ecosystem services and how the communities respond to change"
- Youngs - Seeing the Past, Shaping the Present and Future of the Portneuf River: How Environmental Perception Influences River Management
- Running - Ecosystem Services and Idaho’s Farmers
- Lybecker - Stakeholder Survey and Visitor Experience Photography
- Larson - Ecology and community perceptions of the Portneuf River
- Godsey - Water quality and risk perception in the Lower Portneuf River Valley
- Crosby - Bound Together along the Portneuf: Do investments in conservation benefit rural and urban communities?
- Baxter - An investigation of food webs in river-floodplains and public perceptions of ecological complexity
"Our Research Provides Science-based Tools and Frameworks to inform Future Policy Decisions"
- "Portneuf River Vision Study" - City of Pocatello, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Lybecker - Investigating social-ecological system boundaries and domains across MILES sites
- Larson - Hierarchy & Heterarchy? Defining and applying conceptual frameworks for effective social-ecological research
- Delparte - Pocatello population growth scenario
- Castro - Predicting impacts of future policy-based land use scenarios on Idaho’s Ecosystem Services and implications for human wellbeing
Pocatello Flooding History
This study of the history of water management in the Portneuf Basin exposes a series of conflicts between rural and urban interests and federal and local jurisdictions. Research into long-term development contributes to our understanding of the Portneuf River as a social-ecological system and of how people have measured the ecosystem services of that system over time. As contributors to the MILES research team, our goal is to more fully understand the process of decision-making that transformed the river over time and the resulting implications of those decisions for available ecosystem services.
Idaho State University Participants
Kevin Marsh
Partners and Affilation
Idaho Historical Society, Idaho State University Library Archives