Structural LAB (SLAB)
This is a brand new lab for large-scale testing and is a unique facility in Idaho.
- Capable of testing specimens up to 38 ft. in length and 14 ft. height
- Total Lab Area = 1520 sq. ft
- Strong floor is 2 ft. deep and 875 sq. ft of structural floor
- 374 anchor sleeves (each rated 100 kips) in grids of 18in
- The hydraulic actuators can collectively produce force of 1.3 million lbs.
- Heavy duty steel reaction frames designed for 400 kips loading
- Dual servo-valve hydraulic actuators (static and dynamic), each with 160 kips capacity and ±12”stroke
- Fatigue testing machine and frame with servo-valve MTS hydraulic actuator (22 kips capacity, ±3” stroke, 31 in/sec velocity, up to 50 Hz frequency)
- Tinius Olsen Universal Testing Machine, 120 kips capacity and ±12” stroke
- Enerpac ram, 440 kips capacity, and 6” stroke
- Hydraforce hollow ram, 220 kips capacity, and 3” stroke
- Six servo-valve hydraulic actuators (static) with 10 kips capacity and ±4” stroke
- Several hydraulic pumps, jacks, and accessories
- Controller system for hydraulic actuators with data acquisition for 20 channels
- Brand new Campbell Scientific data acquisition system with 96 channels, and up to 800 Hz sampling rate
- Vishay data acquisition system (20 channels)
- Creep Testing Machine and Frame
- Forklift, 5 kips capacity, and 83” clearance
- Gantry crane, 8 kips capacity, and 144” clearance
- High Resolution Camera
- Several load cells, up to 300 kips capacity
- Accelerometers, Load Cells, LVDTs, Potentiometers, and Strain Gauges
New additions to the laboratory include:
- Two 225-kip tension compression hollow Interface load cells
- 12 cube concrete mixer
- 10,000 lb. forklift
- 200-ton 12" stroke hydraulic cylinder
- 100-ton 4" hollow hydraulic cylinder
- Five desktop computers
- Three laptop computers
- Campbell Scientific DAQ system, CR6 Datalogger, 3 CDM A116
- 3000 PSI 6 gallons per minute pump
- 2.5-million-pound isolation frame for compression testing of high capacity components
- 1200-ton Trompler Fluid Power hydraulic cylinder
- 10,000 PSI hydraulic pump
- 2.5-million-pound Interface load cell